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Hardik Sondagar's user avatar
Hardik Sondagar
10x Engineer
  • Member for 11 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
78 votes

HTML input type=file, get the image before submitting the form

17 votes

Selecting distinct values from a JSON

15 votes

How to get model data after save ( CakePHP )

14 votes

Delete points with unwanted field values from InfluxDB measurement

13 votes

Unset a specific session using session id

9 votes

How to check an input type="file" has a file or not using jquery?

9 votes

jQuery - INPUT type=File , Image FileType Validation options?

8 votes

How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Python (split up a long line of source code)?

7 votes

Python: use cookie to login with Selenium

5 votes

How do I increase height of an input field so that placeholder text fully appears in input box HTML5

4 votes

Search a javascript object for a property with a specific value?

4 votes

Create SVG progress circle

4 votes

Change tag value in InfluxDB

4 votes

Recursively exclude files and folders that have names beginning with specific characters (using nodejs and glob)

3 votes

Database Schema and Sql for a 5 star Rating

3 votes

Firebase REST API persistent connection, speed optimisation

2 votes

Firebase logout show Permission denied error.

2 votes

How to apply remote method of jquery using Angular in form validation?

2 votes

Show a sharing icon on hover on image

2 votes

InfluxDB: Wrong start time when group by more than 1 day

2 votes

Handle redis connection reset

2 votes

Is there a concise way to show all rows in pandas for just the current command?

2 votes

Remove the default delete action in Django admin

2 votes

How to use browser that is already open and logged in with login credentials

2 votes

CakePHP: calling other Model functions

2 votes

How to search JSON tree with jQuery

1 vote

How to remove the style attribute from li tag nested within two divs via Jquery

1 vote

Add class to parent and child SVG elements

1 vote

Chrome Extension - Content Scripts Piling Up Multiple Times From AJAX Links/Navigation

1 vote

CakePHP $actsAs having no effect except in AppModel?