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Hardik Sondagar's user avatar
Hardik Sondagar
10x Engineer
  • Member for 11 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

how to get link from img tag

1 vote

Whitelist javascript to strip html tags

1 vote

CakePHP showing blank page

1 vote

<select> within <a href> that I don't want to execute the link

1 vote

HTML5, how to force input pattern validation on value change?

1 vote

regular expression for string comparssion using php

1 vote

Regular Expression for domain from email address

1 vote

How can I extract the hour / minute from influxdb?

1 vote

Unexpected gap between columns with absolute positioned elements

1 vote

Centering modal in twitter-bootstrap

1 vote

open a custom popup on browser window/tab close

1 vote

Recommended method to implement prefix search using Firebase

1 vote

Firebase - what is the minimal security rules for the tables in order to protect your data e.g. from unauthenticated users / hackers

0 votes

Controller 'uiTreeNodes', required by directive 'ngInclude', can't be found

0 votes

SVG hover with multiple elements

0 votes

How to convert Array using CakePHP HASH class?

0 votes

why opens in the same window?

0 votes

How to store all the ID's of all the selected checkboxes?

0 votes

How can I make a variable retain old information?

0 votes

how to add jquery cycle plugin effect in an application

0 votes

How to set width of div#a equals to div#b

0 votes

Angular A-Z reverse sorting

0 votes

Dropdowns not working (Twitter bootstrap)

0 votes

Why i'm not getting my whole output in the run module?

0 votes

Why is there more latency when accessing an App Engine service with a custom domain?

0 votes

group values in intervals

0 votes

Stay logged in with Selenium using Chrome default profile

0 votes

using user defined variable in model class variable in cakephp

0 votes

How to make user defined URLs?

0 votes

How php execute in file with extension .ctp in cakephp?