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JW.'s user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
18 votes

unable to connect to system bus: failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket

15 votes

"public static" or "static public"?

14 votes

SVN error"access to '/svn/myservice/!svn/act/d99e498e-9a8d-374c-a3e4-fde21198bfa2' forbidden"

12 votes

Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass

11 votes

Please explain how to create PHP's Phar stubs

10 votes

Using Zend_Db and multiple tables

7 votes

What is the single most influential book every programmer should read?

5 votes

Zend Auth and ACL

5 votes

Is passing 'this' in a method call accepted practice in java

4 votes

Does Dojo Framework have the version set in it somewhere?

3 votes

Is it possible to set properties on a Mock Object in Simpletest

3 votes

Are '' and '' two different web sites?

3 votes

Zend Framework 1 - How to detect routing errors from within a plugin at routeShutdown

2 votes

php wiki parser for trac-style formatting

2 votes

Does anyone here use PHP-GTK? Is there a better alternative?

2 votes

Access Control List Best Practices - ACL - Setting Negative Roles for Users who Attack a Site

2 votes

Bypassing Aggregate Root

1 vote

Difficulties when learning Zend Framework 1.8

1 vote

PHP Detecting bot-like behavior

1 vote

PHP: form validation "Full name"

1 vote

Simple Liberty reserve PHP script for registration form

1 vote

My project works fine on my local machine, but not on the web server

1 vote

Httpd Process High memory usage and slow page loads

1 vote

PHP: OOP and methods

1 vote

Difference between :: and -> in PHP

1 vote

virus attack to the website and it is not showing anything

1 vote

php split array into smaller even arrays

1 vote

How to find all 'SVN working copies' on Win XP

0 votes

.htaccess 301 redirect of single page

0 votes

PHP - strlen($string) not co-operating