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Ville's user avatar
Web Technologist
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen this week
122 votes

How to undo a merge on Bitbucket?

68 votes

Call a "local" function within module.exports from another function in module.exports?

39 votes

How do I alter the position of a column in a PostgreSQL database table?

22 votes

How do I make Git ignore file mode (chmod) changes?

11 votes

Linux Shell Script: How to detect NFS Mount-point (or the Server) is dead?

10 votes

How to insert an item into an array at a specific index?

10 votes

306_expandable_grid - cannot read the property of 'data' undefined

10 votes

Cannot install packages using node package manager in Ubuntu

6 votes

How to diff a commit with its parent

5 votes

Make an existing Git branch track a remote branch?

5 votes

Simulating "focus" and "blur" in jQuery .live() method

5 votes

JavaScript match against array

5 votes

Redshift - user "xyz" cannot be dropped because the user owns some object

5 votes

bash getopts not recognizing the second argument

4 votes

JSON Attribute Best Practice

4 votes

s3fs with aws ec2 instance and using instance profiles

3 votes

Can't drop user from Redshift

3 votes

How can I list all tags in my Git repository by the date they were created?

2 votes

How to set git diff parameter in Github desktop gui

2 votes

How do you make a Hapi.JS plugin/module?

2 votes

How to keep keys/values in same order as declared?

2 votes

Installing Passenger when Nginx is already installed; Possible?

1 vote

JavaScript Scale Text to Fit in Fixed Div

1 vote

Vertical scroll value resets on reboot/log-off

1 vote

Git wont reset file permissions over cifs mount

1 vote

switch between branches, preserving the stash?

1 vote

Unstaging changed file from commit in PR

1 vote

How to update GitHub forked repository using GitHub Desktop?

1 vote

How to set LD_PRELOAD in systemd

1 vote

Problem accessing user-specific credentials with withCredentials binding in Jenkins