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tuxdna's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
40 votes

Difference in message-passing model of Akka and Vert.x

33 votes

How to create correct data frame for classification in Spark ML

29 votes

get the first 5 characters from each line in shell script

20 votes

rpm version number without installing it

17 votes

sklearn error ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64')

16 votes

Construct a sequence of time related names

15 votes

Control mouse by writing to /dev/input/mice

14 votes

How to DEFLATE with a command line tool to extract a git object?

11 votes

How to define Tuple1 in Scala?

10 votes

How to efficient copy an Array to another in Scala?

10 votes

How to remove the decorate colors characters in bash output?

8 votes

searching on a List Of Case Class

8 votes

Create a Breeze DenseMatrix from a List of double arrays in scala

7 votes

Change the contents of a file in scala

7 votes

Why does scala convert Seq to List?

7 votes

How to create a Map[String,String] from Map[String, Any] in Scala?

6 votes

How to implement the SlopeOne recommender in Mahout 0.9?

6 votes

How to generate a new application.secret in Play 2.x

6 votes

Array[Byte] Spark RDD to String Spark RDD

5 votes

Example of a rmi program involving 2 machine connected via LAN

5 votes

How to generate n-grams in scala?

5 votes

Obtaining ActorRef's Name

4 votes

sbt heapsize not enough?

4 votes

How to generate n-grams in scala?

4 votes

Fastest way to put contents of Set<String> to a single String with words separated by a whitespace?

4 votes

In Scala, how to read a simple CSV file having a header in its first line?

4 votes

Scala dependency on Spark installation

4 votes

Scala: declaring val within for loop, if condition

4 votes

In Play 2.2, Spec2 tests, I get Configuration error[Cannot connect to database [default]]

4 votes

Scala: String "+" vs "++"

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