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In R, Matlab, NumPy and APL, reshape functions allow data to be transformed into more convenient forms.

Reshape functions allow data to be transformed into more convenient forms.


The function reshapes a data frame between ‘wide’ format with repeated measurements in separate columns of the same record and ‘long’ format with the repeated measurements in separate records.


The function allows a vector or array to be transformed into a new array with the specified dimensions.
Note that reshape does not change the order of the elements or the number of elements in the array. reshape only affects its shape.


The function gives a new shape to an array without changing its data. The returned array will be a new view object if possible; otherwise, it will be a copy.


The function allows any array to be transformed into a new array with the specified shape. Note that does not change the order of the elements, however it can change the number of elements in the array, recycling elements if they are insufficient to fill the requested shape, or truncating trailing elements if the requested shape cannot hold them all.