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PuTTY is an open source SSH and Telnet client. Use this tag only if your question relates to *programming* PuTTY or using PuTTY-based APIs. Questions relating to using or troubleshooting PuTTY usage are off-topic.

PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator.

Do not attach this tag to questions simply because you are using PuTTY to connect to a server. Indeed, unless you are developing software based on PuTTY, this tag is, probably, not appropriate. Questions about using PuTTY will generally belong to Super User.

Some features of PuTTY are:

  1. The storing of hosts and preferences for later use.

  2. Control over the SSH encryption key and protocol version.

  3. Command-line SCP and SFTP clients, called "pscp" and "psftp" respectively.

  4. Control over port forwarding with SSH (local, remote or dynamic port forwarding), including built-in handling of X11 forwarding.

  5. Emulates most xterm, VT102 control sequences, as well as much of ECMA-48 terminal emulation IPv6 support.

  6. Supports 3DES, AES, Arcfour, Blowfish, and DES.

  7. Public-key authentication support (no certificate support).

  8. Support for local serial port connections.

  9. Self-contained executable requires no installation.

  10. Supports the [email protected] delayed compression scheme.


  1. Tagged PuTTY on Unix & Linux
  2. Tagged PuTTY on Super User
  3. Tagged PuTTY on Ask Ubuntu
  4. Tagged PuTTY on Server Fault