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Questions tagged [zeroconf]

Zero configuration networking (zeroconf) is a set of techniques that automatically creates a usable Internet Protocol (IP) network without manual operator intervention or special configuration servers.

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zeroconf with asyncio.TaskGroup

I am creating an app using python zeroconf, asyncio.TaskGroup and aoimqtt. I get the following error: Exception caught: Task <Task pending name='Task-102' coro=<ServiceInfo.async_request() ...
Piotr Herbut's user avatar
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React Native Zeroconf issue with resolving IP address on iOS 17+

I'm facing this issue where the MDNS cannot resolve the IP address when finding the service on a network, this is happening with iOS devices 17+, while with iOS 15 it works ok. I don't have iOS 16 to ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Lookup name from IPv4 address in python zeroconf

I am scanning my local network, and trying to resolve IP addresses to hostnames where possible. For those on the DNS server, that is easy, just reverse lookup / PTR record. For those hosts not on DNS, ...
lunix's user avatar
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How to use python zeroconf in an asyncio application?

Here's a minimal reproducible example demonstrating the problem: import asyncio from zeroconf import Zeroconf, ServiceStateChange from zeroconf.asyncio import AsyncServiceBrowser def ...
Tom's user avatar
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.local. in python-zeroconf type

I'm trying to use python-zeroconf to find a local service. I know it is there - if I use the mDNS discovery app, the service is found almost instantly. However, while using the python-zeroconf example,...
chubbychunk's user avatar
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Windows 11 not resolving .local addresses using mDNS

I am broadcasting a new mqtt-service via mDNS. My Flutter app is notified that a new service was registered but I am problems with the name-resolution of the address called MyMqttService.mqtt.local ...
barracuda317's user avatar
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Share data between 2 apps without internet using React Native

I want to share data between apps offline. It is a few kb of JSON data. I tried using react-native-bonjour to transfer data. But In the library, I don`t see methods to send the data. I see only the ...
Aarthi Govardhanan's user avatar
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Why does running avahi-browse within a docker container returns (NULL) network interfaces?

I'm attempting mDNS discovery from within a Docker container and running it using sudo docker run --privileged -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus -v /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/...
user1224478's user avatar
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service discovery in tcl

I'm writing a little Tcl/Tk script, that uses a (custom) web-application (written in Python) to retrieve information from some central storage. Everything works nicely, but only as long as the address ...
umläute's user avatar
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iOS / HTTP Server communication, device to device

In the past few days, I've been reading a lot of articles and Stackoverflow questions. We are looking to transfer data between a Windows IOT PC and an iPad. We would like a HTTP Server, without using ...
Dekim's user avatar
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Unable to discover Chromecasts from docker container

I have the following script in python (using pychromecast): #> cat import pychromecast print(pychromecast.get_chromecasts()) When I run it locally, it works fine and discovers my ...
Rafal Zarajczyk's user avatar
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mDNS on react-native Request failed with status code 500

I am currently working on an IoT project which requires service discovery (I am in the Android side). I decided to use react-native-zeroconf and I encountered a problem. There is a warning Error: ...
ChuChuwi's user avatar
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Self signed certificate with iOS in LAN

my first question here :) SITUATION: I have iOS app connected in local network to my raspberry server. Local network is NOT connected to internet. I use zeroconf/bonjour to find server (I dont know ...
wem's user avatar
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Get scope id/network interface of NsdServiceInfo of a link-local IPv6 service

I want to connect to a link-local IPv6 service represented by an NsdServiceInfo. The service is announced in the LAN via zeroconf. Therefore I need the scope ID in addition to the IP (i.e. to create &...
Wave's user avatar
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Removing duplicates from the services resolved by avahi-client

I want to use the C avahi library to create a dialog box in gtk that can list all the services in DNS-SD network. I am able to list all the services in a dialog box but I want to clean this list of ...
Divyasheel's user avatar
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Can Linux mDNS client be "pure" client?

I found some famous mDNS clients, such as nss-mdns, Avahi-browse, are dependent on avahi-daemon. However, if we start avahi-daemon, the client machine also publish its mDNS domain name and become a ...
Evian's user avatar
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Is there any reliable way to discover microcontroler in LAN in iOS / Android / Windows / Linux / macOS?

I am trying to expose ESP8266 to be available both when working as access point and while connected to the wireless local network (use case would be: is user leaves home with the device - it starts ...
M. Stefański's user avatar
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Change domain "local" in avahi and and use a hostname with multiple labels

I need to publish multiple addresses for the same IP (eg: address1.local, address2.local) Did it creating a service /etc/systemd/system/[email protected] with the following: [Unit] Description=...
Ikaro's user avatar
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Windows dns-sd (Bonjour/ZeroConf) did not discover iPhone service via USB

I have a Bonjour _http._tcp. service published on iPhone. With the iPhone Wifi Off; running the following dns-sd command on MacBook's terminal: dns-sd -B _services._dns-sd._udp then connect the iPhone ...
cambs's user avatar
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How to send data using Python-Zeroconf

I saw a tutorial on Python-Zeroconf. The tutorial showed how to create a Python-Zeroconf listener so I know how to receive data. This is below. from zeroconf import ServiceBrowser, Zeroconf class ...
taichi's user avatar
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Sending web requests to IoT device both on Wifi and on mobile data

I have a Xamarin application that requires to connect to a device from the LAN side and also the WAN side. The device (an ESP8266) is connected via WiFi to an internal network and can be accessed from ...
Sparers's user avatar
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Industrial-Standard UDP Broadcast on Windows?

I would like to use the UDP boardcast to tell the lan devices here is a XX-device. It is the same scenarios as the mDNS/Zeroconf for the printer. However, as my know, Windows supporting with ...
Gaiger Chen's user avatar
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How to send socket data from Android device to pc connected via Android's Hotspot (AP)

Related question with no answers Using DatagramSocket and python socket with devices connected to hotspot My goal to implement something like syncthing so I can transfer files across my devices on a ...
Phani Rithvij's user avatar
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3 answers

NSdManager ResolveListener Error Code 3: Failure Already active

I'm using NsdManager in an Android App to discover NSD services published by another device also developed by me. I only do service discovery on Android App (no service registration needed on this ...
DarkJediNinja's user avatar
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TypeError: null is not an object for Zeroconf

I'm developing React Native for Android, and am using Zeroconf. For the past 2 days, I have been trying to move to Expo SDK 34, and have worked through most of the issues. However, I have run into the ...
cfire19045's user avatar
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Why does 'DNSServiceRegisterRecord' not return reference, if there are many ip addresses on the adapter?

I am registering about 80 ip addresses on my router, creating udp sockets, and want to do Bonjour registration for each ip. But the registrations are extremely slow, or failing in presence of so many ...
Mihir Bose's user avatar
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Find MQTT Broker in LAN with nodemcu lua zeroconf

I want to discover my Mosquitto MQTT Broker using my ESP with LUA on my LAN. My ESP8266 is on the same network. I'm running NodeMCU custom build by branch: master commit: ...
Michi's user avatar
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No Service Workers with Avahi/Zeroconf (machineName.local)

When testing for service worker capability in the browser: (in index.html) if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { console.log('serviceWorker OK'); } else { console.log('serviceWorker NOT OK'); }...
yPhil's user avatar
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How to create DNS-SD custom hostname in centos linux so that we can dicover it by zeroconf resolver in dotnetcore

I need to get ipaddress by hostname for zeroconf devices. Its working perfectly in windows but in linux it gives below error Here is the Windows code, but it does not work Linux with avahi ILookup&...
Quick's user avatar
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How to install the dns-sd command line test tool on Windows or Linux?

The book Zero Configuration Networking - The Definite Guide by Stuart Cheshire and Daniel H. Steinberg from 2005 describes a dns-sd command line test tool which should be available for macOS, Windows ...
Vega180's user avatar
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Ionic Native: ZeroConf not working on IOS

So I made the App with a Android Device in the development Process and everything worked fine like it should. Then I tried building it for IOS and nothing worked I just got a white screen. So I made a ...
Yonathan's user avatar
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Zeroconf discovery from docker-compose container to LAN host

For an IoT system there is the requirement that base stations automatically discover nearby devices, and then connect to them. The software on the base stations is deployed using docker-compose. ...
Kargathia's user avatar
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Android Network Service Discovery get hostname (mDNS/Zeroconf)

I am trying to get the hostname from a service that is advertising itself on my local network using mDNS/Zeroconf. I am using Android's Network Service Discovery API, but it seems as if Android doesn'...
reinder's user avatar
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How to use NsdManager to detect an emulated device on a private network?

I'm currently working on a mobile app that discover's and resolve's a device on a private network. The app currently works perfect and will allow me to connect a socket to this device. Now I'm ...
Jason Crosby's user avatar
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python zeroconf show IPv4 addresses

I'm trying to figure out how to scan the network for devices which are published by avahi. #!/usr/bin/python3 from zeroconf import ServiceBrowser, Zeroconf from time import sleep class MyListener: ...
kevin Quintieri's user avatar
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Bonjour Host Discovery for REST Web Services

Up to now I have never worked with bonjour. I think it is an interesting approach for using it to discover hosts which run rest services (e.g. by defining a predefined URL for devices providing a ...
user3579222's user avatar
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gethostbyname works in bonjour, but not in avahi

I am finishing up the process of switching from bonjour to avahi in my embedded Linux 3.14. All is working fine,except from the issue of gethostbyname(). Mdns advertised devices are resolved by ...
glrocks's user avatar
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Detecting MDNS/Zeroconf device works on Android 5.1.1 but not on Android 7

I am detecting a device on a private network with no internet access. The only devices on the network are the device I'm detecting and the mobile devices or PC's that have app I am currently working ...
Jason Crosby's user avatar
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NAT Possible with Zero Configuration Networking

Is it possible in windows which has static ip set in his system can take ip from pool and set its gateway as automatically from linux server. So that each request can be ...
sfg2k's user avatar
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Android NsdManager not able to discover services

I'm running into a problem with Androids NsdManager when following their tutorial Using Network Service Discovery. I have a few zeroconf/bonjour hardware devices on my network. From my mac I can ...
zafrani's user avatar
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Google Chrome's "secure context" on a LAN?

Chromium doesn't allow a website to access a user's camera unless the page is hosted in a "secure context". Usually that means a web server that has a valid TLS (HTTP) certificate, but there's also an ...
jes5199's user avatar
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Network Service Discovery (mDNS) on react-native/Expo

I have an IOT device ruining a mDNS responder, is there a way to find the device through a react-native/Expo app? I have found a react-native library (react-native-zeroconf). However, it requires ...
José Roberto Canuto Vasconcelo's user avatar
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How to make Windows' Bonjour resolve subdomains created by Avahi

Why can't Windows' Bonjour (the Apple one) automatically resolve, when Ubuntu and macOS can? foo.local instead is resolved without issues by every OS. Here's my avahi-daemon.conf: [...
ThreeState's user avatar
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Mono WCF Discovery / Mono Zeroconf

I am trying to implement a discovery feature in Mono. The goal is a service running a .NET application with Mono on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian. This application should support a discovery ...
Richy1989's user avatar
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OSError 105 : No buffer Space - Zeroconf

I'm using a NanoPi M1 (Allwinner H3 board) & running a Yocto-based OS. On my first encounter with ZeroConf-python, >>> from zeroconf import Zeroconf, ServiceBrowser >>> zero = ...
Neelotpal Nag's user avatar
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Discover python service in go

I currently have a http server implemented in python using flask. The service is registered using the zeroconf module: info = ServiceInfo('_http._tcp.local.', 'MyServer._http._tcp....
Rolando Urquiza's user avatar
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Bonjour: Search for a service by name

I have an application that needs to search and resolve a Bonjour-advertised service whose name is known in advance. Most Bonjour examples I have found related to service discovery are structured more ...
Grodriguez's user avatar
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JmDNS service not found in ZeroConf browser

I'm developing a web app in Java (with Spark) and I want it to use JmDNS to be able to find this server in my Android app. I was following steps from JmDNS page with service registration, and my code ...
Mohru's user avatar
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Minimum code for mDNS browsing

I'm developing a Sublime Text plugin to work with IoT devices. Some of that hardwares have the option to upload the code by OTA (over the air) and I need to be able to discover the device by mDNS. I'...
GEPD's user avatar
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Android JmDNS how to remove service

im currently writing an android app, which should keep track of other devices in the same wifi network using JmDNS. The discovery process works correctly, but i don't know how to keep track of other ...
Iconic's user avatar
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