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Questions tagged [xsd]

XSD generally refers to a document written in the W3C XML Schema format, containing a description of a particular type of XML document.

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xml: define data type of attribute value by separate attribute [duplicate]

I am trying to validate the value of an attribute against a data type that is defined via another attribute in the same xml document. E.g: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&...
Robert's user avatar
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Nullable Element Handling with LxNillable.Create() in Liquid Studio 20.7.11

I'm generating C# classes from an XSD file using Liquid Studio 20.7.11. While the XSD elements are marked as nillable (nillable="true"), the generated C# classes have the isNil flag set to ...
Ahmadou Kassoum's user avatar
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What's the issue with this XML? [duplicate]

I'm trying to understand what is the issue with this xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Request xmlns:xsi="
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XML => UI Generator [closed]

I have and XSD file that defines new XML tags I use in my project, I'm looking for an open source tool that allows me to do the following: Take the XSD file Generate UI drag and drop for the tags ...
Hamza LAHLOU's user avatar
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Confusion about controlling XSD type substitution

The following XSD defines the complex types Base, which specifies block="", and Derived, which extends Base and also specifies block="". <?xml version="1.0" encoding=&...
voidp's user avatar
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how to find out all possible hierarchies of elements in a xsd file?

I am working with some domain-specific GML files that are in fact XML files capable of storing geometries of spatial features in GIS domain. I have these two xsd files that describe the data model of ...
milad moradi's user avatar
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Does Mobius use XSD

Does the Mobius use XSD? If it uses where is the version specified, also since the version of XSD is changing in time how is it handling that version change? I checked that the mobius uses oneM2M ...
Clement Tharcius's user avatar
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How do I generate a C# class from 3 xsd file and have 3 separate namespaces within the C# class?

I am trying to generate a c# class from 3 xsd files. A coworker had previously done this 2 years ago and I am attempting to recreate that process. I am unable to contact this person. The first xsd ...
Phillip Edwards's user avatar
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XSD 1.0 nillable with xs:string type enumeration restriction base

I wanted to confirm my understanding of the XSD nillable attribute as it pertains to a restriction base that enforces an enumeration. For example given the following: <xs:complexType name="...
Andrew Tyson's user avatar
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How to convert DTD to XSD with Ibatis sqlmap2

I using Java 8 and Struts Framework. I want to convert from DTD to XSD, i.e. remove <!DOCTYPE..., in the sqlMapConfig.xml and sqlMap.xml files. However, there doesn't appear to be an alternative ...
Ngô Hữu Hoàng Nhật's user avatar
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3 answers

.NET 8.0 Not Normalizing Whitespace for xs:token Elements?

I'm working with C# and .NET 8.0.6. I have an XSD that declares a "root" element with xs:token content. When I validate a document with an instance element that has padded content, the ...
voidp's user avatar
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How to make "jaxb2-maven-plugin" to generate WSDL stubs with the same Java class names in both OSs - Windows and Linux?

I have the following XSD schema (which I am not allowed to change): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="
LaRRy's user avatar
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Remove login requirements for Crystal Report

We are using Crystal Report to display reports, which our customers uses. They can view them trough our C# applivation that uses a .rpt file, which uses tables from a .xsd file. I had to add some new ...
Johan Persson's user avatar
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How to define custom elements in a sitemap.xml

I'm trying to extend a sitemap.xml to include some custom data so I don't have to store it in a separate database but just in-file. From what I found online, some people say xml namespaces should ...
djkato's user avatar
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Generating Java classes from XSD with enumeration containing non-ascii values

Using Java 17 and Gradle-plugin com.github.bjornvester.xjc' version '1.8.2 I want to generate java classes from an XSD schema. The java classes is to be used for values read from database. The values ...
StarMcSnow's user avatar

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