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Questions tagged [xenocode]

Xenocode is the name of a company as well as a short name for its application virtualization products. Xenocode was renamed to Spoon in 2010.

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Adding a product catalog to google sites that reads data from a Google Sheet and is public facing

I have had enough of the issues with WordPress and am trying to come up with a replacement for a Ecommerce site. We are a very small business and so limited funds. I have a third party provider that ...
Mathew Newton's user avatar
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WordPress Big data handling tools

I have a CVS that contains 50k rows and 75 Col. I looking for tool or plugin for webpress which can show data dynamically. Have ajax filter and size of data shouldn't effect reponse time of website. ...
faizan test's user avatar
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My code does not run and i can't seem to get the score to print

def tf_quiz(): user_name user_year print("Welcome to my true or false divison quiz") #welcome message user_name=str(input("please enter in your name")) #asks/stores user ...
brock stewart's user avatar
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Xenocode Postbuild is not running on Windows 8

I have downloaded Xenocode Postbuild 2009 for .Net (Beta) and installed it. I also have MS .Net Framework 3.5, 4, 4.5 properly installed on my PC. But Xenocode Postbuild is not running. When I double ...
Net Lord's user avatar
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3 answers

sqlce in Xenocode

I'm using Xenocode in my application so that it works without a .NET framework. I'm using Xenocode Virtual Application Studio(version 6.1). Everything works fine except the .sdf file which I have ...
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1 answer

how to used Xenocode Browser Sandbox Deploy run application via IE

i have this application but how to use its? and example for 7-zip can?
monkey_boys's user avatar
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