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Questions tagged [wsh]

For questions relating to Windows Script Host (WSH), a language-independent scripting host for the Windows operating system. It allows scripts to be run from both the graphical Windows desktop (via WScript.exe) and the command prompt (via CScript.exe).

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looping with interval wscript

Please help me, I want to modify this file should be like this Run script Execute For Loop 5 times Waiting 5 minutes Execute For Loop 5 times again waiting 5 minutes Execute For Loop 5 times again If ...
Kevin123 Kocak's user avatar
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How to write a script to automate Putty (PLINK) on Windows 10

I am doing a manual process that is done each day within Putty and wanted to automate it. There is no need for a person to do this because all of the keyboard inputs do not change each day. I'm trying ...
HonoraryTitle's user avatar
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VBScript program incorrectly identifying its PID?

Every time I need to grant user access to a file share on our server, I get numerous occurrences of this popup because the process hits various files whose access rights I can't modify: This isn't a ...
Leslie's user avatar
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Script not running hidden

The following script will run if I run it minimized but not if I run it hidden. What am I doing wrong? #The intention of this script is to function as a keepalive. #The command used ...
PCMedicJAX's user avatar
3 votes
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Validate vbScript argument names

I am calling a vbScript from PowerShell, with arguments that are defined in a text string, and I want to validate that the arguments being used are correct. Say my valid arguments are ARG1, ARG2 & ...
Gordon's user avatar
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VBScript file starts wscript.exe but doesn't execute code

When I double-click my .vbs file in Windows, it will start the wscript.exe process, but doesn't appear to execute anything. Even a simple "Hello World" script doesn't do anything—not even an error ...
ogeeezu's user avatar
2 votes
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what is the win explorer location of chrome's "settings" data?

I have the following script to dump google's junk out of windows when using chrome (this is just partial script): For Each f In FSO.GetFolder("C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\...
Adam Evanovich's user avatar
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Accessing Windows Contacts (pre Win10) from JScript (or any ActiveScripting)

I want to use the COM object with the progID Windows.Contact.1 via ActiveScripting (JScript, VBScript, Python, etc). This COM resides in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\wab32.dll. It ...
amix's user avatar
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Windows shell script not able to make existing IE window visible?

I have been trying to create a really simple script to maintain visibility on an IE page but am currently unable to force the visibility or foreground position of an existing IE window. I am able to ...
Jesse's user avatar
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Windows script Host problem.. error code 800a000D..Type mismatch "Clnt"

Hi I'm windows 10 user with little to zero knowledge about programming. An error came up and windows fail to load... when I my pc opens a dialog box appears.. "Windows script Host" what is wrong with ...
Andreas Tsantes's user avatar
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Listbox control template object is ignoring size properties

I am pretty much a beginner in WPF C# programming, so sorry for stupid question's. DESCRIPTION: In the ListBox I have defined the ControlTemplate. Inside of it is located also the "PieDiagram" ...
Pukaai's user avatar
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Internet explorer started from WScript.exe will not on appear on top

We have recently added a new feature on our application to be able to shell out to another application. One of the commands is WScript.exe In one part of the script, I wanted to be able to show a ...
Mark Bertenshaw's user avatar
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redirecting "svn info" output to file in Windows Script Host created an empty file [duplicate]

I am new to creating Windows Script Host Scripts. The script shown below creates an empty Output.txt file. Does anyone see anything wrong with the script? Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("...
user1164199's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use variables in Wscript.Shell + cmd.exe?

I'm trying to substitute variables to path in a command (it should launch a batch file), but I got an error in the dos console: "The file name, directory name or volume label syntax is ...
neutron's user avatar
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How to enabled Windows Script Host [duplicate]

I need to execute some cmd command which will require Windows Script Host to be enabled. By default, Windows Script Host is enabled. But the problem is some of my clients, Windows Script Host is ...
Polar's user avatar
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