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How to prefill the command prompt with some chars?

In a batch file, I want to open a command prompt (and keep it open), and prefill the command with the text "git clone", so I just need to copy a project's URL. This is how I open a command-prompt and ...
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Calling multiple command-line commands from vbscript / wscript in a single shell instance

I'm trying to improve the performance of my vb script. I need vbs to programmatically transform and import xml files into an MS Access database, and that works fast. After I run an xsl transform on a ...
Oleg's user avatar
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How to execute a Runtime command in a jar file from a USB drive?

My Java app runs a command like this : String Command="C:\A_Test\Dir_PC_Customizer\Chinese_English_Dictionary_PinItem.cmd"; Runtime.getRuntime().exec(Command); I packaged it into a Jar file and it ...
Frank's user avatar
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Can I execute a remote placed .vbs file using wscript command?

I have tried using the wscript command with local file share and it works perfectly. Ex: wscript \\\script\hello.vbs Is there any way I can run the file from remote HTTP server? ...
user2756639's user avatar
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WScript.Shell vs cmd.exe - WorkingDir differences?

I've got an ActiveX script which starts an application. var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");'appli.exe'); The script works fine. Nevertheless, if I open cmd.exe and type in ...
netblognet's user avatar
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Clear Screen when executed via cscript?

I've tried a few things, from WScript.Echo "cls" to crazy functions like the ones below I found on the internet. Set CrlScrn = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") CrlScrn.SendKeys "CLS + {ENTER}" ...
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Equivalent of UNIX `exec` in JScript / Windows Script Host

I've got a .js file that's meant to be executed by Node.js on the command-line. I've got everything set up with npm and such to put the file into the user's path as a "bin". My problem is, because the ...
ELLIOTTCABLE's user avatar
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Get default printer remotely

Windows 7: cscript C:\Windows\System32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US\prnmngr.vbs -g Windows XP: cscript C:\windows\system32\prnmngr.vbs -g These will get the default printer of the current system. ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Capture output of cmd query from Wscript.Shell run method

I am using following code to to execute a merge action . This command initiates a child process (manual merge tool) . but using this code child process could not be opened. But i get error and output ...
d3vil's user avatar
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How do I set the timezone from command line ?

How can I set the timezone in Windows from command line or from a batch file? Do I need to use powershell or cscript?
Eduard Florinescu's user avatar
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There's any way to run vbscript directly to wscript or cscript command line

I want to run a vbs command from command line as I would in batch calling cmd.exe /c "echo.Hello World! & pause" Obviously this doesn't work wscript /C MsgBox("Hello world") I could print the ...'s user avatar
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vbscript pass the current directory as named argument

I'm trying to pass the working directory to vbscript as a named argument. The system normally expands "." to the current path, but when I check the named argument I just get the string "." Here's ...
Garfield's user avatar
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Pass string with quote into a VB application with cscript.exe

I have a VB script that takes in several parameters that could include spaces using cscript, and I make the call using: nsExec::exec 'cscript.exe "$PATH_TO_FILE\program.vbs" "Something with spaces" "...
jkh's user avatar
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prompt in window for vbscript

I have a vbscript that runs on the command line in xp. It accepts one argument for the path to a directory. Is there a simple way to prompt the user in the command line box for this? If not, I can ...
James-Jesse Drinkard's user avatar
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WScript.Echo throwing object required error in vbscript

I'm trying to display messages as my vbscript program runs. It runs off a command prompt in xp, for example: cscript.exe test.vbs. I don't want to use msgBox while this is running as I just want it ...
James-Jesse Drinkard's user avatar

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