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Questions tagged [windows-terminal]

Microsoft's official new terminal app for Windows, released May 2019.

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Windows 11 Gray out Maximize & Minimize Button

This is not a duplicate Related (Working on windows 10, 7): Disable Maximize Button c++ console application New Problem: After reading the coments the new problem seems to get the correct window to ...
FireDragon91245's user avatar
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trouble with calling pwsh through windows terminal command line

This is something I have been struggling with for a few days and each time I think I have adjourned it, it falls apart. I want to launch a new Windows Terminal window but with two caveats: The new ...
Ralf_Reddings's user avatar
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detection of mouse hovering using pdcurses

I am making an implemintation of conway's game of life using c and wanted to make the game highlight the cell the mouse in hovering over but i can't seem to be able to catch mouse movements even ...
abdelrahman Mohamed's user avatar
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Pass a command line argument to the new terminal window that is about to be launched?

I am trying to figure out how to launch new terminal window and pass a command line to be executed by the new terminals shell (PowerShell 7) The following works, a new terminal window, with Pwsh as ...
Ralf_Reddings's user avatar
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Visual Studio Terminal Error When Connected to Ubuntu 22.04 WSL

I use WSL for development. When I start Visual Studio Code and connect it to an Ubuntu 22.04 WSL instance, I always get this error when launching VS's Terminal: xargs: unmatched double quote; by ...
dmbabu's user avatar
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Reading emojis using WinAPI console functions returns UTF-8 Replacement Character instead

For a project of mine I need to be able to read all possible MBCS UTF-8 codepoints from the Windows console. As it is well known that Windows works internally with wchar_t (UTF-16), I tried an ...
Anic17's user avatar
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How to print an emoji using Java in Windows Terminal?

There are 3 essential elements to the question: Windows Terminal version 1.20.11381.0 on Windows 11. Java (I'm on a pretty old version -- Java 21) Emoji. Trying it directly shows a question mark: ...
ice1000's user avatar
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Request Elevation From Python Script Via Windows Terminal

Adapted from Request UAC elevation, I created a Python file and put it in PYTHONPATH, so it can be called with command import getelev. import ctypes, sys, os shell = ctypes.windll.shell32 ...
Oprex Droid's user avatar
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Is there an in-between function or an Alternative to subprocess.Popen and subprocess.Run?

I'm creating a Python terminal on a Windows computer from scratch and I'm trying to sync the error commands and pipe them from either command prompt or Powershell which ever one the code is in. ...
Austin H's user avatar
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Prevents Windows Terminal as Default Terminal Apps Temporarily

I'm running Windows 11 with WT installed and as default terminal app. All scripts will opened in WT. For some reason, I want to run a ps1 file (from its file >Right-Click> Open with PowerShell) ...
Oprex Droid's user avatar
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How to start cygwin with x11 support in Windows Terminal

I am using Cygwin in Windows Terminal by setting the command line option to D:\cygwin64\Cygwin.bat. It works well but now I need to have X11 support so that I can use X11 forward in ssh command. I ...
link89's user avatar
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Windows batch: write output of exe and all its subprocesses to a file

I have a Makefile that I want to run. I want to write the output to a file so I can post the error message on StackOverflow. I run the following command from a windows terminal mingw32-make > ...
user172501's user avatar
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Terminal is not opening in visual studio code

The terminal process "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" terminated with exit code: -65536. I am geting only this above message can anyone help me.. I want help ,...
SUJAL's user avatar
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How to make visual studio 2022 debug console to use windows terminal

I have the latest: Windows 11. Visual studio 2022 preview with all preview settings enabled. Windows Terminal set as default terminal. I write a C++ solution that uses NASM to use the console. The ...
Danny Cohen's user avatar
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Cannot read unicode from stdin from regular PS and CMD windows

--test.lua local s = for i=1, utf8.len(s) do local cp = utf8.codepoint(s,i) print(cp) print(utf8.char(cp)) end Run in a PowerShell terminal through the Terminal app: C:\>chcp ...
peterpop's user avatar

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