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Questions tagged [webgl2]

WebGL 2 is the 2nd version of WebGL. It is based on OpenGL ES 3.0

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webgl2 trouble rendering float texture to canvas

If I use webgl2 to render something (e.g. a triangle) to an RGBA UNSIGNED_BYTE texture, then render that texture to the canvas, everything works fine. But I'm having trouble getting my example to work ...
user123's user avatar
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webgl2 Reading from a RGBA16UI framebuffer with readPixels

I have a webgl2 application in which I'm rendering to a framebuffer and then reading the values with readPixels. This works fine when I initialize the framebuffer and later call readPixels both with ...
noah.b's user avatar
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WebGL.getUniformLocation Offset usage

I'm new to WebGL, i have the code below: var n = WebGL.createProgram(); WebGL.useProgram(n); WebGL.uniform1i(WebGL.getUniformLocation(n, "uO"), 2880); What this command means, Offset ...
Kane Pro's user avatar
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Why does adding a default branch in a switch statement of a WebGL2 fragment shader trigger dead code elimination for a uniform?

I have the following illustrative fragment shader. #version 300 es precision highp float; flat in int v_Discriminator; uniform float u_Numbers[2]; out vec4 out_Color; void main () { vec4 gray = ...
Lazar Ljubenović's user avatar
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TransformFeedback with instanced drawing

How does WebGL write data to a transform-feedback output when doing instanced drawing? Particularly, how does it decide on what index of the transform-feedback-buffer to write to when using instanced ...
Michael Langbein's user avatar
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Confusion on webgl2 about format and sampler type mismatch

I am tring to implement a GPU accelerated computation with Javascript I input the image by const gl = this.renderer.getContext(); //this.renderer is a THREE.WebGLRenderer this....
GesusM's user avatar
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Single WebGL 2.0 shader for multiple texture precisions

I have a graphics filter (shader) written in GLSL for WebGL 2.0. I would like it to accept a texture having one of three formats: 8-bit Uint 16-bit Uint 32-bit Float As I understand from here, for ...
Ivan Kuckir's user avatar
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How can I send large arrays of objects to a fragment shader using WebGL2?

For a university assignment, I've written a raytracer in JavaScript using a Canvas with a 2D context. To make it faster, I'm converting it from a 2D context to a WebGL2 context. In the original code, ...
Killjoy's user avatar
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WebGL 2.0 unsigned integer input variable

I've been trying to point an Uint32Array buffer to a uint input variable. All the information I can find online says that it should be possible, yet I get the same error no matter what I do: [.WebGL-...
Carlo Augusto Bagnoli Gomez's user avatar
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Multiple different textures/materials on 3D heightmap

over the weeks I have created a chunked infinite heightmap terrain. The chunk system is very simple and is not the topic of this question. The topic of this question is how to create a terrain ...
emssej's user avatar
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webgl2 with premultipliedAlpha:false and unwanted edges

I am trying to craft a very simple webgl demo with premultipliedAlpha:false. However I am having hard times getting rid of the unwanted dark pixels around the drawn triangles edges. I need this webgl ...
Yoz's user avatar
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Default render color vector for fragment shader when using a frame buffer with multiple attachment?

ChatGPT insists that when using a framebuffer and attaching multiple draw buffers, the 0-indexed one will be the one that when you write to in the shader, it will be rendered on the canvas. However I ...
Yuval A.'s user avatar
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Is antialias possible in WebGL 2 if one of your fragment shader outputs is integer?

From my own attempts and reading through the WebGL/OpenGL documentation it seems that it's impossible to anti-alias if you are also writing integer data to your framebuffer object. Is this correct? ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Cannot assign to read only property 'RGBA8' of object '#<WebGLRenderingContext>'

After I upgraded my Chrome browser to version 122.0.6261.70 (Official Build) (64-bit) today, my WebGL program stopped working and threw an exception Cannot assign to read only property 'RGBA8' of ...
tang's user avatar
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Can't avoid interpolation of UV : " 'flat' : Illegal use of reserved word "

I want to made that UV are not interpolated, so I can get the exact pixel (As a beginner I see this from that video). Why using 'flat' gives an error? If I past flat before varying of Uv (I named it ...
longProfileName's user avatar

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