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Questions tagged [web-frontend]

A refinement of the more generic frontend tag. In a web application this usually means HTML, CSS and JavaScript

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How do I resolve styled_components__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.div is not a function?

I am trying to create a custom styled component using react native, here is my code for the styled component, but when i run yarn dev, i seem to get this error import React from 'react'; import styled ...
Runjia Chen's user avatar
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how to align the items in the navbar ?? Using html and Bootstrap5

I want to create nabvar,with logo on the right side of navbar and other items(Home,Contact Us,About...) towards the left. but when I try to align items, all are moving compleltely towards left. I want ...
KP Maniteja's user avatar
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the shacdn/ui install command not intepret @ correctly to /src

i want to ask and i need help with this i tried to follow the documentations of the latest shacn/ui using vite but when i ran this command npx shadcn-ui@latest init it seems not installing components ...
Eleazar Anthony's user avatar
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How to Create 3D Family Tree [closed]

I am working on a personal project called "Family Tree" using technologies Spring Boot, React.js, Three.js etc. However, I face some difficulties in creating the 3D Tree using Three.js. What ...
EDOYou's user avatar
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JS Signal Protocol Messenger Example

Please provide signal protocol example of encryption messages using presignedkey. I use React + Typescript in my project, for signal protocol I chose this library '@privacyresearch/libsignal-protocol-...
LINQe's user avatar
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I tried overwriting an element with a confirmation notification, I tried to remove this notification on confirmation but it returns 'NaN'

I created a div element with two buttons in it: <div class="js-button-container"> <button class="reset-score-btn js-reset-score-btn">Reset `indent`Score</...
Jacquesnotjack's user avatar
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How can I do like this using html css? [closed]

I am trying to make like the image, the div should be splitted diagonal way? Then I will make to it ::before to have that shadow effect in the left of it. This is my code: .custom-div { background: ...
M.N.Dev's user avatar
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working on serial/references number input filed - validations-keycodes

we have only one Input Filed for both Serial and References number entry. {so, 1st character can be A or 0-9, 2nd to 8th characters must be -> btw 0-9} serial: number requirement {0-9} - only 8 ...
rushika k's user avatar
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Why the "[email protected]" goes to the next line? Even though i only display:block the span?

HTML <div class="contact_info"> <ul> <li><h2>Call Us: </h2><span><a href="tel:12345678"><mark>1-234-5678</mark></a>&...
ch1drik's user avatar
-2 votes
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I want to display multiple icons with connecting lines between them [closed]

I've managed to create the layout and add the icons, but I'm struggling with creating the connecting lines between them. I've tried using CSS borders and pseudo-elements, but I can't seem to get the ...
Murtaza Ali's user avatar
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Vue 3.0 component not applying classes from tailwind

The problem that I'm having is that want to use Tailwindcss to style my Vue components but it is not applying them. It is working for my views and App.vue, but somehow not for the components. I ...
Develex's user avatar
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how can i make my custom libraies to be version controlled in angular and record its version in package.json like other libraries of node

How can I implement version control for my custom Angular libraries, which contain generic code shared across my projects? These libraries encapsulate reusable functionality, and I want to manage ...
Pavnesh Silori's user avatar
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Quiz creation JavaScript

I try to create one quiz page I'm passing data from the database I have attached the sample data also the key is similar in all the 3 databases the show element and hide elements are not working as ...
p.shunmugha perumal's user avatar
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Am I doing passing this prop wrong?

I'm creating a website using react and tailwind CSS, I don't know why hover on button is not working. I added my custom colors all the props but hoverColor are okay, also I don't know why the react ...
Atena Navidi's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I use a button to start animation of a card sliding carousell using framer motion?

I am trying to use framer motion to animate a image sliding carousel. I want the animation to only start when I press a button. The problem is that the animation starts before I even click on the ...
Conant Quah's user avatar

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