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Questions tagged [vue-reactivity]

Questions about vue's reactivity, which is all about auto updating arrays and object properties when changed.

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How can I show a loader while a form is rendering in Vue 3?

I'm using Vue 3 with the Composition API. I have a TabView component with multiple TabPanel components, and each tab contains a form that takes a few seconds(3-4 seconds) to render. I want to show a ...
Madhav mishra's user avatar
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Provide / Inject value not getting updated if its reactive value is changed - VueJS

I am quite new to Vue.js coming from a React background. I have a reactive variable config which is passed to provide() function in a component and used by other component using inject(). But the the ...
Jaisal Shah's user avatar
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Pinia state loosing reactivity when used in an object?

Trying to wrap my head around reactivity when it comes to states from a Pinia store. I have the following store (@/stores/settings.js): import { defineStore } from 'pinia' export const useSettings = ...
s427's user avatar
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Is the virtual DOM in VueJS redundant?

Can anyone tell me if VueJS has fine-grained reactivity, similar to signals that use a sub-push mechanism to update directly on the actual DOM? If so, does that make the virtual DOM redundant? I want ...
nhơn's user avatar
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Can't figure out reactivity in Vue

I'm more familiar with React and I've been try to port this component from React to Vue for a project. Everything about my solution seems to be working except when I update the ref value in the parent ...
Michael Teuscher's user avatar
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Vue 3 onMounted not loading data in Vuetify data table server

I have created this page with Vue 3 + Vuetify called demo.vue in my project which receives data from an API server. The problem that I'm facing is that I set up the data inside an onMounted function, ...
Antonio's user avatar
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In Vue 3, am I supposed to se the whole object structure when initializing a reactive value?

Suppose I want to create an empty value in my pinia store that hold the current subscription model the user is looking at. This should be null/unset if the user is not currently on a subscription ...
xTheWolf's user avatar
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Why is a computed property necessary for reactivity in a Vue component with Pinia store?

I am storing an authenticated user of my web app (Vue and Supabase) in a Pinia store: userStore.user. My NavBar component has a login/logout link based on this state. In order to make this reactive ...
Josh's user avatar
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Why is the reactive variable in my Vue3 component not updating, while it is updating in the composable?

I'm facing an issue with Vue3 and Nuxt3 where a reactive variable currentMatchday within my component isn't updating as expected, despite using a composable to handle its reactivity. Here's the code ...
Manu's user avatar
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Problem with reactivity of pinia getters in imported npm package (vue 2.7)

Vue 2.7.14 (options api) Pinia 2.1.7 I have ChildApp where in "standalone" mode I normally use pinia after initializing it in main.js and everything works. Below is my store initialization....
Threshu's user avatar
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Vue computed prop change not being reflected in component if value references same object

example store: const trigger = ref(true); const prop = computed(() => { trigger.value; console.log('comp prop run'); // works! return some_big_object; }); const doChange = () => { ...
Alex's user avatar
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Vue ref of parent component does not trigger update of child when changed in another child (Android Chrome)

In my Vue/Vite/Vue Router project, I use a component called DefaultLayout for the basic layout of my page. It has several slots, like action-left, action-right, title and default: <!-- layouts/...
dasdawidt's user avatar
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Vue3 Loosing reactivity on object, when being passed as prop

I've encountered a strange behavior while migrating from Vue2 to Vue3. When creating a new object in the parent component with an asynchronous function being called in the constructor, that ...
ceddy610's user avatar
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Vue3: data from Pinia store not arriving

I can't pull Pinia data after page reload using the Composition API. So, I'm using Vue to digest some fetched JSON. I'm new to the Composition API. But reading the docs I can't see what's missing ...
allanberry's user avatar
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Vue 3 reactive anti-pattern [closed]

I would like to ask about Vue 3 reactivity system. Im working with Vue 3 for some time. But today, I saw something I have never seen before. Our senior dev wrote something like this const store = ...
Adrian's user avatar
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