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Detect browser out of focus

I want to detect when the browser goes out of focus. More specifically, here is my case: I have my page opened and when I change the tab, it can be detected using visibilitychange. But when I go to ...
Diganta Kr Banik's user avatar
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How do I hide an entire HTML page, but make the page still renders and still exist?

I'm making an extension to hide the ChromeOS bookshelf by displaying a completely hidden tab, so the device would register a window being drawn, but the user could not interact or notice it. This is ...
grumpyman1's user avatar
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page elements transitioning to visibility when they appear on screen in sveltekit

I have a webpage where I have some buttons that I want to appear as the user scrolls down the page. My problem is effectively two-fold. First of all, as I have shown below, I need to work out when the ...
Michael Williams's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Not able to override default timeout while using explicit wait mechanism in cypress

I am using cypress-wait-until plugin to apply explicit wait in our framework. When I use it and maximum time given is say 30000 milliseconds, so ideally it should wait maximum 300000 ms (30 seconds) ...
Deepak's user avatar
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Apexcharts does not work with style visibility display = ‘none’

I have a simple web application using plain html/css/js (no framework). I have implemented a tabbed pane where the implementation is based on css turning visibility.display on/off. In one of the panes ...
user1486064's user avatar
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Hidden button not appearing under specified conditions

I have a small game and when all hearts are lost, a reset button should appear. I can't for the life of me figure out why it's not showing up. I rewrote it 3 times, wondering if it was how I was ...
breanne1209's user avatar
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I read that 'hidden' comps cause issues in IE. What is the safest method to show/hide elements for cross browser compatibility?

I have several components such as tooltips and menus that are not always visible. I read somewhere that visibility = hidden can throw errors in IE but I don't know how accurate that is. If so, for ...
Yvonne Ayala's user avatar
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DOM Operation Unsuccessful - Show HTML in Element

Working code here is mixed with non-working code. The code works up until the line where it commands the innerText to be of x.innerHTML.substring(3,-3) This is the function I am calling on a click ...
Anthony Pulse's user avatar
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How can I make an element's attribute only appear on hover when another element is hidden?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the data-title only appear on hovering of the up-arrow only when the footer is down/not showing. However, I would also appreciate another solution where the ...
florizer's user avatar
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Using only javascript and css: can I enable the user to selectively display and hide divs of different classes, via a single drop-down menu?

I have an html page consisting of 80-100 css-styled divs each containing a grid with an image and information about a single artwork. (Each div already has a unique Id, to enable linking-in to a ...
Dr No Know's user avatar
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React Native: How do I change the scroll position of a ScrollView when the element is not visible?

I have a horizontal FlatList which renders a list of vertical ScrollView cards. When I scroll the FlatList, I would like the ScrollView cards to reset their scroll position to the top. I do not want ...
Thomas's user avatar
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document.getElementById('facebook').style.visibility="hidden" not working

Even thought my variables are set in a way that should set the visibility to hidden (pulling the variables from firebase), they remain visible. My code no go. See Firebase Variable Values <html> ...
Jake Labate's user avatar
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auto redirect a page on visibilitystate with javascript

i'm working on a small sale website. i want to use visibilitystate to dictate when the user navigates to a new page, switches tabs, closes the tab, minimizes or closes the browser, or, on mobile, ...
TEE-JAY's user avatar
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visibility style does not change second time click in javascript and css

I'm trying to create a responsive navbar. When screen size is reduced I'm using media query to style visibility of #nav-items to hidden and display a menu icon. I have written a javascript code to ...
Praveen Rathi's user avatar
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Click event triggered on element but failing to toggle the visibility of the section containing it

I need to toggle a section (called "newHexagon")'s visibility by alternatively clicking two different h2's, "seeHexagon" and "hideHexagon". The former is external, the ...
Stefano's user avatar
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How can I loop through and make these images disappear onclick?

I have a grid of images in divs. I want it to work like a checkbox where you press the image and it disappears press it again and it appears. I have some code that works but I can't figure out how to ...
jeffrey smith's user avatar
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React: Image is not displayed

Im folgenden Code sieht man wie ich das bild darstellen möchte, das Bild wird aber nicht angzeigt, nur der text wird angezeigt. <div> <b> Test123 </b> <image src={require('../../...
user avatar
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Javascript visiblity toggle with onscroll

var headPos = window.scrollY; window.onscroll = function(){ headPos = window.scrollY; } window.onscroll = visi; function visi(){ if(headPos < 1300){ document.getElementById("...
Ho0b's user avatar
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Trying to display animation on click....not working (js, html, css)

I have a loading element that I want to display on the click of a certain button. I have tried various methods including updating the visibility and display, as well as adding a "show" ...
eluzzi's user avatar
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Conditional visibility in a react component

I have a react component that contains a div with a conditional visibility. The component represents the page of a specific product on an ecommerce. The users can give their opinions once. The div ...
Laura's user avatar
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unexpected behaviour when using Javascript to hide elements of an HTML table

I am observing strange behaviour when using Javascript to hide portions of an HTML table, and it varies depending on which browser I use. I have made the HTML accessible on this site https://...
DJDave's user avatar
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Show/Hide divs based on Time/Opening Hours

I am trying to show/hide divs based on opening hours. The div .open contains the headline "Our store is open" and the other div .close contains the headline "Our store is close". ...
Vincenz Brandl's user avatar
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How to instantly change the visibility property of child if it has a transition

I have this html-markup. I make a button with class "open-window", it opens a pop-up window. This window can be closed by pressed button with class "close-window", and when you ...
Gleb's user avatar
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Pause video on Tab switch in browser but should continue Playing when minimized the browser window

I am trying to pause the video when the user switches the tab in the browser and simultaneously if the user minimizes the browser window it should not get paused. I tried it implementing by using ...
Aadesh's user avatar
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After "go to previous page" checkbox remains checked, but won't be detected by jquery

I have an array of checkboxes which can be used in a sort of calendar app. Whenever the checkbox gets checked, a label should become visible. My HTML looks something like this: <script src="...
Kiiiieeeeuuuw's user avatar
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Showing Hidden Image With Onclick Function

my objective is to have an image hidden until a button is pressed to then show the previously hidden image. Right now I have an image in html with an Id of "yellowrose" that is hidden with ...
Brian Lee Victory's user avatar
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2D visibility algorithm not works well for overlapped case

I find the visibility algorithm in one great website Since it is quiet long ago article, I am not sure that the author will give the answer. As you can see, the interactive playground(try it yourself) ...
Period Positive's user avatar
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Can browser detect when the browser is running on Foreground or Background mode? [duplicate]

I want to know that when I used multiples types of software on my computer, the browser can detect the others software is running or to? And also can the browser handle that the browser is running in ...
Mijanur Rahman's user avatar
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Cypress - checking for the presence of a button and clicking on it if it is there

Using Cypress I am testing a product which includes an autosave feature which kicks in at regular intervals. You can't guarantee when exactly the autosave will trigger as it is dependent on a number ...
Paul Appleton's user avatar
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What are the differences between typescript access modifiers and javascript ones? And which one should I prefer while using typescript?

Typescript offers the public,protected and private keywords for defining the visibility of the member or the method declared next to them, however, I know that since ES6 Javascript allow the use of ...
Michele Nuzzi's user avatar

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