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71 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Java: Find out if an applet is showing on Screen

I'm trying to write an applet in Java that checks if it is showing on the screen. There are several methods to check if Java wants to show the applet or specific components (i.e. .isShowing() or ....
Benedikt Schoeffmann's user avatar
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Why this example doesn't exhibit visibility problem in concurrent code

I tried to avoid all common pitfalls of writing a code demonstrating the visibility problem in concurrent access in multi-threaded code. But still, the tested variable always shows the updated value; ...
Espinosa's user avatar
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Setting up the visibility of an Image View depending on Shared Preferences

I Programm a Quiz App. I already set up that if the highscore is over 10, an ImageView will be shown permanently. That works very fine also on restart of the app, the only problem is that if the user ...
Alan's user avatar
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2 dimensional Array and JApplet: button visibility and label change

I am having 2 somewhat straightforward problems: 1) I am trying to set btns[0][0] (row 0, column 0) to be the only visible button on my 00-99 button grid, and after I press the button, the ones ...
user3597420's user avatar
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Android setvisibility nullpointerexception

I have a RelativeLayout in my main.xml, which is initially invisible(visibility=gone). Later in a class in the main fragment, in an onClick event, I want to set it to visible.: RelativeLayout results ...
user2212461's user avatar
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Text View set visibility gone not working

I have a recipe app which displays quantities of ingredients, when a textview row is not used for an ingredient i set the corresponding value to 0 then in a setText method I set all textviews with ...
Ollygrov's user avatar
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Android FrameLayout can't set a View visible when it's initially set to invisible

I have met a very strange issue in android FrameLayout. I am trying a very simple game which has a SurfaceView, and when the game ends, I want to popup another view on top probably displaying some ...
divideby0's user avatar
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Android: Changing Views visibility on Activity start | Hide Notification panel on Notification Button click

My app has a Notification that holds a Button. When the user clicks the Button, the app should open (if it was closed) and show a custom dialog, which I've created by a bunch of views. Showing the ...
Nitzan Daloomy's user avatar
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Android: "Can't resolve method 'setVisibility' in group"

This piece of code fails to compile because the method setVisibility() cannot be resolved. public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(view, ...
Mayur Chauhan's user avatar
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SharedPreferences always returning true (recycler view)

I'm using sharedpreference to save boolean when clicking on a button, and use it at the start of the activity to set visibilities states. The problem is that it seems to be always returning true, and ...
Hugo Becker's user avatar
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How to handle ConstraintLayout horizontal & vertical with view.GONE

already use vertical and horizontal chain in constraint for handle visibility gone. But they are not enought for the thing i want to do. I need to set a view like this example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 And, for ...
Lethans's user avatar
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PasswordToggle doesn't transform to custom TransformationMethod after click to visibility button

In my xml file, I have a password field is a TextInputEditText which uses a custom PasswordTransformationMethod to show the biggest dots when password is hidden: public class ...
Ivonne Lopez's user avatar
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ListView: setvisibility() forces refreshing all the rows

I have a ListView with rows with different layouts. So I'm using the pattern of ViewHolder. If the user clicks on a row, one sub-layout of the same row must be shown/hidden. viewHolder.btn1....
pozzugno's user avatar
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View.setVisibility(View.Gone) doesn't work anymore

I have a problem. view.setVisibility(View.GONE) doesn't work for me anymore. I will show you what I'm working on. I globally declared this outside of OnCreate() : final ArrayList<View> ...
kalu's user avatar
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Hiding libs packages to implementators

Am writing a lib where I have a package with several classes inside, one of this classes is the final class Point( that is used by many other classes but has no public access outside its package in ...
ΦXocę 웃 Пepeúpa ツ's user avatar

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