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Questions tagged [ubuntu-22.04]

GENERAL UBUNTU SUPPORT IS OFF-TOPIC. Support questions may be asked at This tag should be used only for writing or running programs SPECIFICALLY in Ubuntu 22.04. If your question applies to other versions of Ubuntu, use [ubuntu] instead. If your question applies to other distributions of Linux, use [linux] instead.

86 votes
7 answers

Visual Studio Code crashes with [] read out of range

I am using an Ubuntu machine and when I open Visual Studio Code, it opens for a second or so and then crashes. When starting Visual Studio Code (executable code) through the terminal with the command ...
imantha's user avatar
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Package "rgdal" cannot be found in R-v4.4 [duplicate]

So i had to upgrade my R version to 4.4 to install a package called "INLA". This is in ubuntu machine btw. In addition to INLA, I also need to use the rgdal package. However when I tried to ...
imantha's user avatar
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Program using framebuffer killed on Ubuntu 18.04 but works on Ubuntu 22.04

I'm currently developing a program that interacts with the framebuffer. The program works perfectly on Ubuntu 22.04, but it gets killed with the message "killed" on Ubuntu 18.04. Here is the ...
Dongju Park's user avatar
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Enabling A2DP source and disabling A2DP sink in Ubuntu 22.04

Please help, I am pretty new to Bluetooth in Ubuntu. I am using BlueZ 5.64 running on Ubuntu 22.04. Does anyone know if it is possible for me to enable only A2DP source, since my device should be able ...
jay_aechh's user avatar
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how to show QT designer app on ubuntu 22.04

I have installed QT6 on ubuntu 22.04 following this tutorial with exception: cmake --install build/ --prefix /usr/local/ and I changed the configurations of qtchooser as explained here, now I'm able ...
Bilal's user avatar
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1 answer

External API call timed out using fetch but working using curl

When I make a request to an external API from Node.js using fetch, I end up waiting until it times out. However, when I try the same request directly from the command line using curl, it works. Fetch ...
Tom's user avatar
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86 views] Error occurred when unregistering the existing host

\[0526/\] Found existing host: `dc21e49a-xxxx-4631-8f2b-xxxxxxxxxxx`. This instance will be deleted from the Directory before starting the new host instance. ...
Shafiqur Rohman's user avatar
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How to write udev rules to run shell script that runs slcand comand with argument when specific usb device connected?

I want my raspberry pi 4 running ubuntu 22.04 server to recognize TEL0150 CAN USB module from DFrobots and create and bring up slcan0 interface when device plugged in. Shell scripts work if i run it ...
Emīls Zdanovskis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I play mp3 files from Python3 on Raspberry Pi 4 (running Ubuntu server 22.04, 64 bit)?

I'd like to do this: playsound("/dev/shm/tts-speech.mp3") I used to use playsound in Ubuntu 20.04. It doesn't work in Ubuntu 22.04, so I used playsound from preferredsoundplayer. That ...
user1759557's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I resolve this problem that occurs with OMNET++?

Error: externally-managed-environment × This environment is externally managed ╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to ...
GIDEON ADELE's user avatar
0 votes
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How to fix my my Ubuntu 22.00 files dpkg-query: package 'gedit' is not installed`?

I have messed up my ubuntu 22.00 main files, and now when I want to donwload a new app or update some apps I keep getting this error: my_PC_PATH:sudo apt --fix-broken install Reading package lists... ...
Kamil Sabbagh's user avatar
0 votes
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Sound System (speaker and mic) not working after deleting alsa config file ubuntu

I deleted the ALSA config file while trying to fix some programmatic errors - post which my sound system is not being recognized at all. No audio is playing. My guess is the microphone is not working ...
sana0613's user avatar
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1 answer

Driver not found when using ODBC MySQL Driver for Linux

Have an issue with MySQL ODBC Driver on Ubuntu 22.04 with Tableau Server. Attempting to connect result in error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/'...
dreezt's user avatar
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Cant Install Pycham Professional with Snap

I've been trying to install pycham with snap but it seems not working. [sudo] password for user: error: snap "pycharm-professional" not found Any idea what might went wrong? I did trying ...
Omar's user avatar
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Proxmox installation with Ubuntu and Windows together

I have a machine that is configured in dual boot with Linux Ubuntu and Windows 11 and I would like to know if it is possible to install Proxmox together with the two operating systems that are already ...
Edvan Sabino's user avatar

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