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Questions tagged [swift2]

Use this tag only for questions directly related to changes in version 2.x of Apple's Swift programming language. Use the tag [swift] for more general language questions, or the tags [ios], [cocoa], [apple-watch] etc for questions about developing on Apple platforms.

0 votes
1 answer

New To Swift, Having Trouble Converting swift 2 to swift 5 manually

I used to mess around a little when I was younger and I built an app that I'm currently trying to fix and then improve upon but I'm having a few issues converting swift 2 to swift 5 and the app won't ...
rwb977's user avatar
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1 answer

Existential Types and Generics with Protocols Logic Swift 2

I am trying to learn to how generics act in Compile and RunTime stages comparing with Protocols. I know how to protocols react with existential types. Protocols are existential types so in compile ...
zekov's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Show Quantity label when product is in cart(Swift 5)

When user add the product to cart.The selected product must show the increment and decrement button. and others product should only show the add button. You can check this image The problem is that ...
Motivation gym5's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

SwiftUI. How do I access/manipulate data between views

This code is not specifically mine but it will show the problem I am having more clearly. It is a part of an expense calculation application. I am having a hard time manipulating data after ...
Tom Hanks's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

I mistakenly deleted a file from project navigator and now xcode say no schemes on top left

I am new to swift and I was undoing a bunch of stuff on Main.storyboard. However, I accidentally deleted something from project navigator. Now xcode says no schemes. When I try to manage schemes, I ...
Jordan Higuera's user avatar
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1 answer

Using countrypickerview ,I want to display only the phonecode not the flag in the left side of text field

By default this library displays country flag, country code and phone code . I was able to remove the country code but not the flag . Let cpv = CountryPickerview(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0,width: 120,...
Supreet Patil's user avatar
0 votes
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Constraining a collection view under a normal UIView

I have an UIView that shows up fine. I am trying to have a collectionView to show up under it. Both elements show up fine when called on their own, but when I call both I get constraining errors. In ...
Peter's user avatar
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Firebase inAppMessaging events not getting captured

i am sending inApp messages from firebase console. messages are getting delivered but i am not able to capture the events from it i.e. dismiss event, impression event, clicked event from it. all the ...
hussain's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to make on Swift-Wkwebview auto fill username and password?

i have one question. I want to make on my application auto fill username password with keychain. Im added Associated Domains on my application but i dont have now which step is needed now for autofill....
linuxman1993's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

why i have to use print((sender as AnyObject).currentTitle!!) to print title and print(sender.currentTitle) not work?

Why when I try to print button title i used print(sender.currentTitel) and isn't working. And this in below it is work: print((sender as AnyObject).currentTitle!!)
Zaher Mohamed Masloub's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Get the most closest value of the CGFloat

I am curious if there is a way in swift to achieve the most closest value via their modern api's? For example: let x = [1.2, 3.4, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9] print(x.getClosestValue(3.7) //3.4 I have been ...
topgun's user avatar
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Accessibility Focus not being updated on custom control slider when thumb moves

I have a custom slider based of UIControl and the accessibility works as expected except for the focus on voiceover doesn't reflects/updates when the thumb moves to left or right. I have set the trait ...
topgun's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Get the user data from firebase cloud-based database and convert into dictionary

I am new to swift and I am trying to get the data from the firebase cloudbase database and trying to assign them in dictionary. I have tried putting them on a dictionary and printing the values but ...
Jivtesh Chahal's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

String extension for matching regular expression

I have 2 functions written in Swift 2, but Apple forced me to migrate to Swift 4 and I can't fix the functions. extension String { func stringsMatchingRegularExpression(expression: String) -> [...
Bogdan Bogdanov's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Change sound button image on clicking another button swift 2.2

I am creating a Tableview inside which is Tableviewcell and on cell there is a label and sound button. For each label there is a sound on button click. When I click for the first time on btn1 the ...
sajjad ahmad's user avatar

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