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Questions tagged [svg-filters]

SVG filters are a set of image processing primitives that can be combined together to create sophisticated visual effects.

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Why don't SVG filters take into account the position of the SVG's viewBox, since they do take into account its size?

<svg viewBox="60 0 200 40"> <filter id="blur" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="1" /> </filter> <path d="M 70 5 l 0 10" style="filter: ...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Svg filters - Change color of image with feColorMatrix [duplicate]

I have created a t-shirt color editor/changer using SVG feColorMatrix & Javacript, the issue i am facing is when i set black color it becomes a flat image. You can see the progress on CodePen: ...
webifo's user avatar
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How to apply filters to shapes multiple times in SVG?

I am trying to apply multiple operations to shapes. (Eventually, my end goal is to blur 2 different shapes using a different color matrix and then blend them together. This is only a reproducible ...
andras's user avatar
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How to merge SVG masks?

I'm trying to "merge" two masks in SVG and apply them in a way that the white part of both masks is visible in the shape I apply it to. I read that the solution might be feComposite, but I ...
Ron's user avatar
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SVG feTurbulence too transparent output

I have a feTurbulence filter generating clouds in SVG format. I can't adjust the opacity to be less transparent. The clouds are against a blue sky and some white stars. Through the clouds, the stars ...
Alin Paladin's user avatar
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Get rounded corner while using a border created with clip-path

I am trying to create the following shape ( right now i am using a clip-path to create the border, because of the corner in the bottom-right. however i am having a ...
Shelas's user avatar
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Using dropshadow filter on svg path causes it to disappear [duplicate]

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <svg width="400" height="200" xmlns=""> <defs> <filter id="drop-shadow" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB"&...
ANimator120's user avatar
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svg filter compositing with partial transparency

I'm trying to composite one shape onto another. The top layer is a set of strokes that have opacity. The bottom is just a flood fill. The issue is that I need the strokes to retain their original ...
Meihua's user avatar
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How can I transform an SVG path without transforming applied gradient/filter?

Given some simple SVG like: <svg width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <defs> <linearGradient id="gradient1" x1=&...
jemmons's user avatar
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How to get rid of extraneous <feFlood/> in filter

I'm using filters with my rounded rects and notice that the paints the whole sub-region and I can't figure out how to remove it so that all I have is a rounded rect of a different color based on my ...
Meihua's user avatar
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preserveAspectRatio doesn't seem to work in feImage

I am trying to get the same effect as when using background-size: cover in CSS, but by using SVG filters - feImage in particular. div { width: 10em; aspect-ratio: 1; background: gold } .svg ...
Ana's user avatar
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Replace one - and only one - color in a svg drawable

I have my brand logo as an svg drawable, and it consists of one text and a graphic at its right. The svg has only two colors, one solid for the text, the other solid color for the image at a side. ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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SVG feDiffuseLighting in Chrome vs Firefox

Greeting. I faced wierd problem I've got next.js project (default config) with svg filter <svg xmlns=""> <filter id='roughpaper'> <...
user3770299's user avatar
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Filter effect is spilling out

Consider a div with some bumped up text and a filter. The filter is restricted to 100%×100% of the objectBoundingBox. However, when we apply a feFlood, we can see how this spills outside the element's ...
Ana's user avatar
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Is there way to combine two SVGs with opacity and only show one SVG when they overlap?

I want to fill the gap in the round-arrow line, and the round-arrow line with opacity less than 1. I achieved this in the following code snippet, but I noticed it causes an overlap problem. I'd like ...
personax's user avatar
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