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Questions tagged [subdomain]

Subdomain is a domain which is a part of a larger domain. For example, '' is subdomain of '' domain.

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How do i use my main domain for my website and use my sub domain for my backend? [closed]

So I have my backend running a subdomain "" which have been setup Great and works fine... So I finally finished my website and I hosted it on Netlify now I pointed the ...
Noel's user avatar
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Is there a way to redirect links to

My website keeps getting referrals, but the referrals are mislabeled as "". My site is a non-www site, so anytime someone tries to directly search our website or click the ...
Spencer Engelby's user avatar
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How do I securely point a subdomain from Hostinger to a CloudFlare page?

I have a website hosted on Hostinger, with the domain managed on Hostinger as well. I've built a seperate page which I am hosting on CloudFlare Pages that I would like to make accessible via a ...
Tsabary's user avatar
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How to get a link with subdomain either using url() helper or route() helper in Laravel?

I have set up my subdomain domain routes like this:- Route::group(['domain' => '{subdomain}.' . env('APP_URL'), 'prefix' => 'console', 'namespace' => 'admin', 'middleware' => 'subdomain'], ...
Saswat's user avatar
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Creating domain aliases mapping to wildcard domains

I want to do something like and accept all external domains requests, i.e. my server accepts requests to all domains which point to our server ip. I have an existing wildcard domain setup: *....
Jimmy Jhon's user avatar
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Route 53 subdomain not routing correctly to Elastic Beanstalk environment

I have a domain through Squarespace. I have a NestJS application hosted with AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This is up and running and accessible through the generated domain name. I have an AWS Amplify ...
Adam Piper's user avatar
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NextJS 13+ rewrites to subdomain issues

Im trying to get my /archives to rewrite to archives.localhost for now. Im trying to understand rewrites and I think I have a basic understanding of it. When I go to the main index page archives....
Logan Rios's user avatar
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How to Properly Configure Cookies and CORS for Spring Boot Backend and React Frontend on Different Subdomains?

I am currently working on a project where the backend is implemented using Spring Boot & Spring Security, and the frontend is built with React. Both the backend and frontend are hosted on render....
Luk1e's user avatar
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How can I add a subdomain to a React web app for a different type of users?

We have a web app with frontend on React. I would like to add a subdomain for a second type of users, with limited access and features. This second type of users is a different entity so managing '...
Vitalie Rotaru's user avatar
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Invisibly redirect one domain to another via .htaccess

I'm trying to find a way to redirect my subdomain, let's call it, to my other subdomain's subpage but without the user noticing they are being redirected. I tried ...
dma's user avatar
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Is there a way to make a new connection in a cloudflare tunnel without completely altering the tunnel configuration file?

In the working project, it is necessary to make sure that a subdomain in Cloudflare is created for each new user. That is, the user registers and after that his data is sent to my API written in ...
Виталий Иванов's user avatar
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Express Subdomain and Route Returning Cors Error

I have a angular and nodejs app that worked perfectly fine. The application is an angular application with a nodejs backend hosted on heroku. I recently introduces subdomains to the nodejs server ...
coder12's user avatar
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Point Sub-domain to Node.js Server

I'm having some trouble getting my Node.js server to show up on my sub-domain. Here's what I've done so far: I have a Windows VPS running a Node.js server at I want this ...
BleuSyn's user avatar
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Hosting subfolders on different domains

I would like to host my content on two different servers. There is the main website content, and there is the campaign pages content Is ...
NotAnotherCliche's user avatar
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add a subdomain to a domain in cpanel for my laravel project

I have a project that i want to be a subdomain from the main domain so that the url will read like this this will redirect to the home page,
Steve Djvoskill Waweru's user avatar

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