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Questions tagged [sequence-points]

Points in a program's execution at which it is guaranteed that all side effects of previous evaluations will have been performed, and no side effects from subsequent evaluations have yet been performed.

10 votes
1 answer

Can a macro be defined to provide function-like sequencing?

Consider the following C code: const int array[100]; int i = 0; int x; int get_next(void) { return array[i++]; } int foo(void) { return get_next() + get_next(); } Assuming that i == 0 when ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why are there sequence point guarantees for C library functions?

I am looking at the C23 draft standard, but I think this would apply in C11 as well. There are several guarantees about sequence points in relation to function calls in C, such as before the return of ...
Kyle's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

In C++ are all subexpressions of function call arguments sequenced consistently?

Consider a situation where we have the following functions: // A function with two parameters. void AcceptTwoInts(int, int); // Two functions that accept an integer and return another integer. int ...
jacobsa's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Am I interpreting C order of operations correctly here?

I was puzzled by the fact that CPPReference says that postincrement’s value evaluation is sequenced before its side-effect, but preincrement has no such guarantee. I have now come up with an example ...
schuelermine's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Passing pointers to the same address as function arguments

Suppose I have a weired add function which does an addition and an increment then stores the result to somewhere else. void add(const int* a, const int* b, int* c) { *c = (*a)++ + *b; } If I pass ...
morimn's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Does int sum = func(1) + func(2) cause undefined behavior if func() modifies a global variable [duplicate]

Inspired by this SO post, I am wondering whether the below snippet causes UB as both add_func() and mul_func() could modify counter concurrently and in an unspecified order: int counter = 0; int ...
D.J. Elkind's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Formal understanding of volatile semantic defines the following: In the abstract machine, all expressions are evaluated as specified by the semantics. An actual implementation need not evaluate part of an expression if it can deduce ...
Some Name's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Different results obtained when using MSVC compiler and GCC compiler

I have this simple little code: #include <iostream> int Add (int x, int y) { std::cout << "In Add(), received " <<x<< " and " <<y<< "\...
Ángel's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Does the definition int a = 0, b = a++, c = a++; have defined behavior in C?

Does the definition int a = 0, b = a++, c = a++; have defined behavior in C? Or almost equivalently, does the comma in an object definition introduce a sequence point as for the comma operator in ...
chqrlie's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is the output of this C code compiler dependent?

#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int a = 0, b = 1; a = (a = 5) && (b = 0); printf("%d", a); printf("%d", b); } The value of variable a is getting ...
SUBHAJIT PAUL's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

Is the `this` argument evaluated before or after other member function arguments?

In the following code a member function set() is called on a model, which is a null pointer. This would be undefined behavior. However, the parameter of the member function is a result of another ...
mentalmushroom's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Why does pre-increment not work for an overflow check, but post-increment does? [duplicate]

I attempted to write a function that increments an unsigned integer and checks if the result overflowed, by comparing the old value of the integer with the value after incrementing: unsigned ...
saxbophone's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Sequence point compiler warning only in gcc but not in clang

Consider the following code: #include <tuple> struct A { template <typename... Types> operator std::tuple<Types...>() { int i = 0; return std::tuple<Types...>{Types(...
phinz's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Will this expression evaluate to true or false (1 or 0) in C?

#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a=4; int b=4; int c= a++ < ++b? 1 : 0; printf ("%d",c); } It is known that there is a sequence point at ?, which means that ...
user2277550's user avatar
37 votes
3 answers

Order of evaluation in v != std::exchange(v, predecessor(v))

I keep finding more idioms that lend themselves to std::exchange. Today I found myself writing this in an answer: do { path.push_front(v); } while (v != std::exchange(v, pmap[v])); I like it a ...
sehe's user avatar
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