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Questions tagged [selectoneradio]

JSF tag to create a single-select radio button group.

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JSF Components alignment inside panelGroup

I have a selectOneRadio element with layout="custom" inside a dataTable. Below is the xhtml code- <p:dataTable var="varlist" value="#{testbean.testlist}"> <p:...
satya prakash Panigrahi's user avatar
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How to use some of enum values in selectItem of selectOneRadio in Jsf

I have an old project to implement some tasks but i'm not sure how to make it. jsff file i want to put some of the enum values as select item of oneRadio I found some answers but all of them shows how ...
Erdi Atalay's user avatar
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SelectOneRadio returns always 0

I am developing a web application with JSF and EJB 3.1, I want to retrieve a value from a selectOneRadio : <p:selectOneRadio id="noteItem" value="#{entretienController.val1}">...
Hassan Jroundi's user avatar
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Hide show components which are created dynamically using PrimeFaces

I have the following code which generates the radio button properly. <c:forEach items="#{sampleController.modelVo.valuesList}" var="valueVo"> <p:selectOneRadio ...
Joe's user avatar
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update a form dynamically on h:selectOneRadio value select

I have an existing form that has a radio select button. What I wanted is, whenever the user makes a choice of selecting any one value, either an input text box or a hyperlink should be displayed on ...
Pankaj's user avatar
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Primefaces SelectOneRadio outcome page with change

A basic problem, i guess, but i cannot get it to work: with changing the selection in primefaces selectoneradio a backing bean should be called and afterwards a new page should be loaded. as there is ...
crossl's user avatar
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How can i do a dynamic SelectOneRadio in ADF with CollectionModel binding?

im trying to do a SelectOneRadio that was linked with a binding in ADF. Mi binding have this structure: Parent named "Group" (ID, Group, Orden). Child named "Action" (ID, Action, Desc). I want one ...
Alvaro Romero Ayala's user avatar
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Hide specific <h:selectOneRadio> items

Please refer this related question. how ever i do not want to disable instead i need to hide. seems there is no render property for select one radio items. how can i achieve this
teja's user avatar
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h:selectItems itemLabel escapes <img src> witch is unwanted

I can't escape selectItems itemLabel to generate an image Example: <h:selectOneRadio layout="pageDirection" styleClass="labelWhite" id="logoRadios" value="#{bean.value}" > <f:...
JI Cabuhat's user avatar
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Default value for <tr:selectOneRadio> if the value is from database object

I am struggling with this for a really long time. I am changing code and I need to put default value to selectOneRadio element from Trinidad. I have object from database (for example called result). ...
Bulva's user avatar
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Primefaces Datatable Radiobutton submitting wrong values

I got a datatable with a custom layout selectoneradio. It doesnt submit correct values after the first row. This is the datatable: <h:form id="dataTableForm"> <br /> <...
Master Azazel's user avatar
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How to get the selected value in selectOneRadio with JSF [duplicate]

my question is that simple. How to get the selected value in a mark in a Bean with JSF ? I have this simple form, which works but I didn't find how to get the value of the user choice. Can someone ...
jozinho22's user avatar
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selectOneRadio lost checked value inside a dataList with pagination

I have this example code, My xhtml page. <html xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:p="http://...
Felipe's user avatar
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Selected values of selectBooleanCheckbox and selectoneradio is reset while navigating between tabs of tabview

I am trying to do a page with a few tabs, by using primefaces. But some some selected values are lost while navigating between tabs. Last tab contains 2 selectBooleanCheckboxes and 2 selectOneRadios ...
xxxx's user avatar
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How to make selected h:selectOneRadio of h:dataTable remain selected on postback?

In normal circumstances like this: <h:form> <h:selectOneRadio value="#{bean.gender}"> <f:selectItem itemValue="Male" itemLabel="Male" /> <f:...
Farhan stands with Palestine's user avatar

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