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Questions tagged [scrap-your-boilerplate]

This Haskell package contains the generics system described in the Scrap Your Boilerplate papers. It defines the Data class of types permitting folding and unfolding of constructor applications, instances of this class for primitive types, and a variety of traversals.

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SYB `mkT` function in Scala

Continuing on from a previous question of mine, I am attempting to implement Scrap Your Boilerplate in scala 3 and am running into an issue now with the mkT function described in the paper. Given the ...
anqit's user avatar
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SYB `cast` function in Scala

I am reading the Scrap Your Boilerplate paper and trying to follow along by implementing the ideas in scala as best I can. However, I'm stuck on the very first function, the cast, which is used to ...
anqit's user avatar
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Haskell syb Data.Generics not working as expected

On a ghci prompt everywhere (mkT (\x -> 2 * x)) (8.7, 21, "word") evaluates to (8.7, 42, "word"). I expected the 8.7 to be doubled as well. Why am I wrong?
not-a-user's user avatar
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Matching higher-kinded types in SYB

In general, I'm wondering if there's a way to write a generic fold that generalizes a function that applies a forall type like: f :: forall a. Data (D a) => D a -> b given some datatype D for ...
concat's user avatar
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How to use Data.Data?

As I'm not familiar with rank-N types, the type signature of gfoldl is a troublesome for me: gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> a ...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
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A function for returning part of a product or record depending on parameter and requested return type

I'm looking for a function, that, given the necessary return type, will return the part of a product parameter that matches that type, based purely on the structure of the type passed to the function. ...
Noel M's user avatar
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Traversing polymorphic structures and performing a transformation only in few cases

Suppose we represent a company hierarchy in the following way: {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} import Data.Data import Data.Generics.Aliases import Data.Generics....
Damian Nadales's user avatar
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Scrapping the boilerplate of doing variable substitution in an expression

Suppose we have the following data structure, whose values represent expressions on some language: data BExpr = Stop | Guard Expr BExpr | Choice BExpr BExpr | ...
Damian Nadales's user avatar
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How to fold over a constructor with special cases?

So I have a tree that I want to collapse where the nodes are of type data Node = Node1 Node | Node2 Node Node | ... deriving Data except for a few special cases. I want to do something along the ...
Andreas Hagen's user avatar
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Recursive Type Lensing

I'm trying to create some code that can take any recursive grammar data type and any expression of that data type and produce a list of all sub-expressions of the same type, built up, kind of like a ...
Julian Leviston's user avatar
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How to traverse a Seq with the Scrap Your Boileplate combinator "everything" in Shapeless?

I want to use the Scrap Your Boilerplate implementation in Shapeless to operate on some case classes but i'm stuck trying to figure out how to make the SYB combinator everything traverse a field of ...
Christophe Calvès's user avatar
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SYB Libraries functions

I've been working with some scrap-your-boilerplate functions for a while. Nevertheless, I tried to compile a module that imports Data.Data and Data.Typeable, though some functions like everywhere and ...
Rodrigo Bonifacio's user avatar
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Understanding Constr type of Data.Data package of Haskell

I am trying to understand the Constr type of Data.Data package. Consider the session below. dataTypeConstrs returns a list of Constr, both zero- and one-argument constructors of Maybe. Attempting to ...
Grwlf's user avatar
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Visiting GHC AST with SYB

I wrote a program that visited the AST with Haskell-src-exts. I'm trying to convert it to use the GHC API. The former uses Uniplate, while for the latter it seems that unfortunately I'm forced with ...
rubik's user avatar
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SYB: can a map over the result of listify be rewritten with a gfoldl?

Can I use SYB's gfoldl to do the map over the result of listify in one go? Consider for example the following code: extractNums :: Expr -> [Int] extractNums e = map numVal $ listify isNum e ...
Maarten Faddegon's user avatar

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