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Questions tagged [scipy.stats]

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Why is scipy.stats.rvs_continuous using different arguments than it is passed?

I used scipy.stats.rvs_continuous to make a Phase-Type distribution to model coalescence time. I'll paste the code below, but the gist of the problem is this: A Phase-Type distribution is defined by a ...
user26350228's user avatar
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Multivariate normal distribution using python scipy stats and integrate nquad

Let be independent normal random variables with means and unit variances, i.e. I would like to compute the probability Is there any easy way to compute the above probability using scipy.stats....
Ishigami's user avatar
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Performance of numpy matrix vector product on scipy.stats.qmc.Sobol vector when changing reshaping order

Solution at the bottom. I am trying to implement a Brownian bridge and want to speed up the path construction via numpy matrix multiplication, once the bridge is initialised. I am drawing data for 3 ...
Severin's user avatar
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Is there support for computing confidence intervals for Wilcoxon Test in Python?

Introduction/Summary of Problem I'm working on a project with an intention of computing one-sample confidence intervals about the mean for several variables of interest in my dataset. After performing ...
JCam989's user avatar
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How to perform Spearman correlation between an index (time series) and a gridded data?

I need to perform Spearman correlation similar to the one available here (for Pearson correlation), where I can correlate between a gridded data and a climate index (or custom time series). The ...
Ricardo Potozky's user avatar
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Quantstats No module named 'scipy.stats._boost.nct_ufunc'

I tried to start learning about quantstats but when I run something as simple as import quantstats as qs stock = qs.utils.download_returns('FB') print(stock) I got an Module Error which says ...
Rubén Dario's user avatar
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Subclassing scipy.stats.rv_continuous for truncated distribution

I would like to create a random variable from a truncated complementary error function. For this I want to subclass scipy.stats.rv_continuous. I have checked Subclassing scipy's continuous ...
Mister Mak's user avatar
-1 votes
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Handle NaN values in Scipy.mannwhitneyu (scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu)

I have a dataset of logIC50 values(say A) and another dataset of categorical clinical drug response (say B). There are mainly two important observations in B - sensitive and resistant. But there are ...
Shazzz's user avatar
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Truncated normal distribution doesn't agree with untruncated normal distribution?

I am generating random variates distributed according to a truncated normal distribution using the function v_in defined below. import numpy as np from scipy.stats import truncnorm from scipy.stats ...
zare023's user avatar
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How do I import the frechet_r function from the scipy library?

When I try to import the function into the library the following error appears: from scipy.stats import frechet_r ImportError: cannot import name 'frechet_r' from 'scipy.stats' (C:\Users\melqu\...
Melquisadec Oliveira's user avatar
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Python- Scipy: if I have a 2D KDE from a distribution of data, can I then feed it a 1D array of "x" vals to get corresponding "y" vals?

I have a simple 2D kernel density estimation created from x and y values, using scipy's gaussian_kde. It looks similar to the example in the gaussian_kde documentation. I have new x values (a very ...
MCD's user avatar
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Zero value when computing an integral in 4-dimensions using quasi-Monte Carlo quadrature

Calculate the value of the integral using the _nquad method. The value is 2.9613231498508394e-18 but the solution takes a long time. qmc_quad can be used for acceleration, but the value remains 0. ...
 Alexey_Proz's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to give negative log10 distribution to Python probplot function for qq-plotting p-values?

I want to translate the following code from R to Python using scipy.stats.probplot. qqplot(-log10(ppoints(1000)), -log10(p_value)) This is Q-Q plot of p-values compared to uniform distribution with a ...
Ozan.kah's user avatar
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Getting inaccurate statistics using scipy

I am conducting a simple independent t-test. I am pulling my data from a CSV file that looks something like this after melting: Region Group variable value IPN Control MMP-2 123 IPN Control MMP-2 ...
Adriana's user avatar
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Different results of SPSS and Python KS-test to assess normality

Suppose that I have a series of data: age;height 8;120 8;123 8;130 8;125 10;160 9;158 8;120 7;126 6;98 5;97 7;115 7;120 7;118 8;117 6;97 6;99 9;123 10;157 10;155 9;155 9;153 5;96 7;115 6;94 6;94 5;87 ...
fffff's user avatar
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