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Questions tagged [safe-navigation-operator]

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Ruby's safe navigation operator (&.) not working as intended anymore after being in use on production code for years

I'm having this issue in production code that's been running for years without issue, where suddenly a lot of places where i use the &. operator is just crashing. So I'm wondering if it's not just ...
Louis Boux's user avatar
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Angular 2 - Safe Navigation operator not working in template property binding

Ng: 13.3.11 TS: 4.6.4 in the Ng template, the following expression using safe navigator throws an error in IntelliJ Idea [innerHTML]="[v1].foobar[v2]?[v3]?[v4]?[v5]" error: ...
pete19's user avatar
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Does BigQuery have a safe navigation operator?

Does BigQuery have a safe navagation operator, i.e. a null-safe variant of its field navigation operator? Ideally I'm looking for an operator akin to ?. in Swift/TypeScript, &. in Ruby, etc., but ...
Alexander's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Safe navigation operator in angular .ts file [closed]

Can we use safe navigation operator in .ts file angular application? Does it cause any performance related issues if we include in .ts file?
Rajam Arunachalam's user avatar
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Using & when referencing relationship in Rails

I am working through a tutorial book and I came across something I had never seen before. In rails I am accustomed to getting the values of a relationship like this <%= current_user.favorites....
Rockwell Rice's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Is there any Alternate of Safe Navigation Operator for typescript file for versions <3.7

I was Looking for alternate of safe navigation operator as my typescript version is 3.2. My code becomes very much lengthy if I have to check for 3 to 4 keys. Suppose I want to check for Obj.key1.key2,...
Nilesh Pal's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Does Ruby safe navigation operator evaluate its parameters when its receiver is nil?

Question: Does Ruby safe navigation operator (&.) evaluate its parameters when its receiver is nil? For example: logger&.log("Something important happened...") Is the "...
Marian13's user avatar
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Returning result of statement including the safe navigation operator as boolean

I just started using the safe navigation operator in C# for the first time and I am wondering wether this is a correct use case for that operator: public bool HasAttributes { get { ...
Chris's user avatar
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Where should I use Safe Navigation (Elvis Operator, the "?") in Angular?

We undoubtedly use safe navigation in string interpolation ({{}}) to safely navigate values in a nested object with checking nulls or undefined. I have a question that, is it okay to use safe ...
Faizan Saiyed's user avatar
0 votes
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Why do I need Safe Navigation operator (Elvis) if I am initializing an object in Angular

Angular 8, Django 3. I am displaying an object Restaurant in a view RestaurantView. The RestaurantView gets the Restaurant on the ngOnInit method: restaurant: Restaurant id: string ...
ratrace123's user avatar
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Can a C# Safe Navigation Operator (?.) be used to check if Object is null, as well as property?

This is mainly a syntactic sugar/best-practice question. Here is a code example in question: if (_instanceData?.DataSourceType != null && Util.IsEntityBacked(_instanceData.DataSourceType) {//...
Jake's user avatar
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Is safe navigation operator have drawbacks on performance in Angular 2+

It's known that first ngOnChanges fires before bindings are initialized. So it's common to add safe navigation operator into expressions. @Component({ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy....
Dzmitry Vasilevsky's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Safe navigation operator for hash with string keys [closed]

I have a problem: data = { 'str_key' => ['string1', 'string2'] } # @param [Hash] data - hash with String key # @return [boolean] def some_logic_test?(data) data&.<...
Radosław Sakowicz's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Access Observable in the Template without using the Safe Navigation Operator and Async Pipe Everytime

I'm new to angular and struggle a little with rxjs and all the async stuff going on. Some Context Lets assume you have a website like facebook with profiles. You can reach a profile by navigating to ...
Younes El Ouarti's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why does the null-conditional operator change regular property access?

I'm confused about how the null-conditional operator cascades with normal property access. Take these two examples: a?.b.c (a?.b).c I would expect them to be equivalent: first, the value of a?.b is ...
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft's user avatar

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