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Questions tagged [resharper]

ReSharper is a refactoring and productivity extension by JetBrains that extends native functionality of Microsoft Visual Studio versions since 2003.

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How to disable Resharper TYPE "Tab to accept" suggestion

I've recently installed ReSharper to my Visual Studio 2022, and when I use the "prop" + tab + tab to create a class property, I can rename the type and the property name normally. The ...
Matheus da Silva Rosa's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Will LINQ Any() ever enumerate without arguments?

Given the following: var nums = GetNums(); Console.WriteLine(nums.Any()); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", nums)); static IEnumerable<int> GetNums() { yield return 1; ...
Amber Cahill's user avatar
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How to Share ReSharper Configuration Across Multiple Git Repositories

I'm working on several projects across different Git repositories, and I want to maintain a consistent ReSharper configuration across all of them. To achieve this, I'm considering storing the ...
Tal B's user avatar
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Change ReShaper shortcut

How can the ReSharper – User use Ctrl+E Ctrl+U to uncomment the current line in C# code? I have tired to change the short cut in Visual Studio and could not change the shortcut for "Edit....
NewbieInCSharp's user avatar
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How to stop visual studio DO NOT add 'require' header for my javascript file?

When I write js code in visual studio, sometimes stange 'require' headers was added to the header of my js file, I don't know whether it was done by visual studio or resharper(this is the only ...
dexiang's user avatar
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Is it possible to stop Resharper from offering to import specific namespaces?

I love how Resharper offers to import namespaces when I put in code from them. But for this particular, namespace ("OpenCvSharp"), I actually want to prevent it from being imported because ...
Joe's user avatar
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Run coverage test with dotCover on ASP.NET application

I have written a series of tests against the front end of my web application. I really wanted to know what my test coverage looked like, so I downloaded and installed ReSharper and dotCover. These ...
BoilermakerRV's user avatar
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Intellisense in ReSharper 2024.1.2 extension for Visual Studio 2022 can sometimes stop providing suggestions upon pressing Ctrl + J (C#)

Sometimes ReSharper's IntelliSense just stops working for no reason until I manually invoke it, then it continues to operate as if nothing happened. Has anyone experienced this issue?
kasten's user avatar
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How to stop Resharper_LineComment from moving to the below line?

As the title says, it's frustrating since the behaviour is different from stock Visual Studio. I also couldn't find a setting for it anywhere. I'd like the cursor to stay where it is when I comment ...
lolgube010's user avatar
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Can the ReSharper spell checker detect written out umlauts?

When I use German words for my variable names and these include umlauts or special characters, I write those out so the names are completely written in the normal latin alphabet. ReShaper marks those ...
Marormur's user avatar
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how to get all types of file(s) path in Rider Plugin

I have a Rider plugin that gets the local path of the opened file in Rider. It is a context menu button. It is now only able to get the path of certain project files such as C# files. It is not able ...
zubair Ahmad's user avatar
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Why does the TeamCity Inspection step not always apply the naming rules according to a consistent pattern?

We use TeamCity Professional 2024.03 (build 156166) on-premises. The code inspection step does not apply the naming rules described in CleanCode.sln.dotsettings according to a consistent scheme. We ...
JohnnyKuna's user avatar
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ReSharper not applying the 'new' parenthesis space formatting rule in Code Cleanup

It is not a duplicate question. Because my question asks why Resharper stopped making spaces, however, another question is asking how to add spaces. It is two different questions. I've set a settings ...
StepUp's user avatar
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Boxing allocation in Composite Formatting

In Rider Resharper suggests to simplify string interpolation. When doing so, the Heap Allocation Viewer plugin warns me about boxing allocation. And indeed, the IL code is different and when running ...
Meister der Magie's user avatar
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Visual Studio & Resharper: Rename class only in current project and not entire solution

I have a solution with many projects in it. Two projects both have a class with the same name. Lets call them project A and project B. When i use resharper rename feature (Ctrl+R -> R) in project B ...
veteri's user avatar
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