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Questions tagged [reshape]

In R, Matlab, NumPy and APL, reshape functions allow data to be transformed into more convenient forms.

4 votes
2 answers

How to reference the last column in pivot_longer() without naming it or providing the index number?

I'm writing a function to pivot a data table to long format. For the cols = argument, the name of the first column will always be the same, but the final column (and number of columns) will change. ...
ksinva's user avatar
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Convert data from wide to long format by checking the values of a row

I have the data below data<-structure(list(id = c("R_88j7lG37gLfxk22", "R_6DK8lERVf8lSQf4" ), t1_choice = c("2", "3"), t2_choice = c("1", "3&...
firmo23's user avatar
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Is there any xarray code for selecting data in the shape of a parallelogram?

I have a temperature data with dimensions YC and XC. I'm interested in selecting data within the red parallelogram shape depicted in the figure. xarray.DataArray'YC: 720 XC: 560. However, when using ...
Pragnya Makar's user avatar
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numpy reshape implementation

My main focus will on this page. First, I don't understand the page. For the first parameter shape, ndarray.reshape(shape, order='C') why this method on ndarray allows the elements of the shape ...
JJ.'s user avatar
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Received a label value of 3 which is outside the valid range of [0, 2)

# Consider increasing epochs for better performance import numpy as np X = np.array(X,dtype='float64') y = np.array(y, dtype ='float64'), y,epochs=10) test_loss, test_acc = model.evaluate(...
Raed Althabti's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Reshaping a data frame with example

I am trying to reshape my data frame. I have my data in long columns, and I need to spread that data out into the same row but new columns, as you can see above. One of the main problems I am running ...
Jack Sutkaytis's user avatar
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How to reshape Quanteda corpus by values of a docvar?

I'm working with a text corpus in R using the quanteda package. Suppose this corpus contains some texts that are split into sentences. Using corpus_reshape() it is easy enough, in theory, to switch ...
Dr. Fabian Habersack's user avatar
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3 answers

Reshape a stacked style data file into a dataframe using pandas

I have a csv input file with the below format and i'm looking for a fairly easy way to convert to normal shape dataframe in pandas. the csv data file has all data stacked up into two columns with each ...
Hannibal's user avatar
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3 answers

Long and wide format exercise

I have the following issue: given the following sample dataset: structure(list(idpat = c("1", "2", "2", "1", "1"), idA = c("100a", "...
user3483060's user avatar
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1 answer

2D representation of a 1D input sample in deep learning

I want to design a 2D-CNN model for the dataset called "CICIoT2023". I will provide the link to this data set : This data set is divided ...
Mahdi's user avatar
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3 answers

"Reshape" along a specific axis - Numpy

I have a 4D numpy array. For example I have 2 batches of 3 two-dimensional matrices with a shape of (2, 3, 4, 5). In each batch, I want to concatenate the three 2D matrices horizontally (over the last ...
Ben Lahav's user avatar
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ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer 'sequential' (type Sequential) in multivariate prediction

i have ran these code to train for model of LSTM multivariate attribute, it will predict "rain", "humidity" , "pressure" in 1 model, but then i receive this error: ...
Thebowl65t's user avatar
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How can I transpose a gtsummary tbl_summary object?

In my hypothetical scenario, 100 people are asked: What is your favorite color of car, shirt, and website (red, blue, or yellow)? This yields my mock data frame: colors <- c("red", "...
TJ87's user avatar
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reshape problem in R: it does not consider all variables

I read this question about reshape and I tryed to use on my dataset. But when I use it, my new dataset doen't have all the column requested and repeat some variables. My actual dataset is like this: ...
Boh's user avatar
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Reshape object with shape (500,)

I'm using the following code to reshape an object with shape (625,): u1 = np.linspace(16, 20, 25) u2 = np.linspace(16, 20, 25) u1, u2 = np.meshgrid(u1, u2) U = np.vstack((u1.flatten(), u2.flatten())) ...
Sylvia's user avatar
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