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Questions tagged [redis-cli]

redis-cli is the command line interface that is installed when installing Redis.

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Caused by: org.redisson.client.RedisAuthRequiredException: NOAUTH Authentication required

Am facing a pesky issue when trying to authenticate redis on spring boot. Am running redis as a docker container. Here is the docker-compose file: i can successfully authenticate the redis on the cli ...
slinger's user avatar
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How to start a Django Celery Shared task using redis-cli

i have a Celery task defined in django application as below from celery import shared_task @shared_task def save_notification(notification): print("Received notif", notification) for ...
Zain Ul Abidin's user avatar
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Keydb server not accepting connections after a few hours

I have a set of applications connecting to a Keydb server. If i restart my services multiple times the keydb server becomes unresponsive. It stops accepting further connections, but keydb will still ...
Vinay's user avatar
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How to load rdb files to local redis server?

Problem Statement: On my local I have downloaded the rdb files from s3 bucket, now i want to load this in my local redis-server. I am running following commands mv /Users/myUser/Downloads/dump.rdb /...
Ashutosh Vicky's user avatar
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How to copy keys from one Redis database to another?

I have a Redis instance with multiple databases. I want to perform a full copy of the DB1 to DB2 on the same instance. What is the most optimal way to do this? I tried MIGRATE, but it seems it's not ...
Alexey's user avatar
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Need a script to fetch the redis latency values over 20 seconds and store the results in a file

I need to periodically update a file that will host the Redis Latency values at certain time daily. I am using the command redis-cli --latency -h -p 6379. The issue is that this command ...
indayush's user avatar
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Redis data being deleted after some time on its own

I have a problem with Redis db, it works not as intended. I have a Telegram bot that gets data from user and stores it in the Redis db. It writes and stores data correctly, but after some time data ...
syrok's user avatar
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Cannot find records using redis_cli

I have Redis running in docker compose: version: '3' services: redis: image: redis:7 container_name: my-redis command: redis-server --requirepass ${REDIS_PASSWORD:-REDIS_PASSWORD} ...
Mark Robson's user avatar
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using Redis python read in messages already being sent to redis

A system I'm working on currently is receiving messages in redis. I would like to write a python script that can read in those messages , modify them and return them to a different channel/key in ...
chowpay's user avatar
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how to make the String readable in redis?

public class RedisStorage { int usersPerSeconds = 0; int generateUserPaid; int totalUsersPerSecond = 20; private RedissonClient redissonClient ; private RKeys rKeys; ...
DAN's user avatar
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unknown command 'MIGRATE', with args beginning with

I have an existing source redis instance running on redis version 6.0.5 cache.m6g.large I have a target redis instance running on redis version 7.1.0 I want to migrate keys from the source to the ...
Kay's user avatar
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Can I modify maxclients in redis cloud?

Currently, I am using the Redis cloud service and using the free plan. As a student, I had to use the free plan, but Redis cloud has a limit on the number of keys. I have 27MB left, but I can't use it ...
JSCHOBO's user avatar
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zrevrange is not working in redis 4.0.10 server

I have upgraded the Redis version to the latest version`4.6.7` in node.js application and the Redis server version is 4.0.10 zrevrange is deprecated in the latest Node-Redis version. I used zRange ...
Habaek's user avatar
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RedisJSON - Manipulating the JSON array of objects (Using Node Redis client)

This is the data [ { "senderID": "64d9c926c17fd183a93d5e35", "receiverID": "64d9c92dc17fd183a93d5e39", "timestamp": "2023-08-14T07:39:45.946Z&...
Bruce Armstrong's user avatar
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Why does redis-cli DUMP (rdcli) return (nil) when the value passed is a loop control variable?

My goal is to loop over a list of keys and generate a DUMP for each key I am using redis-cli installed via npm which is why I call it as rdcli # For reading comprehension: export RED="rdcli -h $...
Simon's user avatar
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