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Questions tagged [recoll]

A desktop text search application for Unix, Linux and Mac OS X, based on the Xapian search engine library.

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Recoll: trouble finding content, finds less if search string is shorter

But I have troubles finding content in text files: Platform: Linux It has indexed a large directory tree with many *.txt files If I ask it for: "ext:txt N57D30O0" I get 41 results. If I ask ...
karsten's user avatar
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Many text files are not indexed by default

Recoll does not index many text files by default. It seems to only index files where the mimemap explicitly includes the mime type, but not other "obvious" file types. Examples: yaml files -...
Raman's user avatar
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Recoll - Specifying width of results window

How can I specify, at startup from config file or environment parameter, a fixed width to the display area window for search results reported by recoll ? The dimension I am trying to control is marked ...
Eric Marceau's user avatar
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recoll results paragraph width is variable

As seen in the attached, some results paragraphs do not "conform" to what seems to be the "standard" specification for width (visible from results paragraph at top of image. How ...
Eric Marceau's user avatar
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Recoll: how to create different indexes for multiple directories on each index

I checked the Recoll manual and it explains how to create individual separate indexes but for single directories. Is it possible to create individual indexes for several directories for each index? ...
Emmanuel Goldstein's user avatar
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Recoll: how to show n words before and after match?

I started to use recoll and wondered if there is the possibility to set an N number of words before and after the match to be shown in the results.
Emmanuel Goldstein's user avatar
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How customize results in Recoll?

Please tell me how to display in the result sheet the full string of the word you are looking for, and not in pieces as in default in Recoll,I'll try in more detail: I have recoll installed on my ...
furensiat's user avatar
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recollindex won't recurse into symlinked directories, even with "followLinks=1" and -r

If I set "followLinks=1" in recoll.conf, "recollindex" will follow symlinked files and index their contents. However, if it finds a symlink that's a directory, it will create a single document for ...
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Recollindex skipped directory

I have to recoll indexing more than 10000 directories and huge number of files. My directory structure looks like: Class1 Class1\Users Class1\Users\Teachers Class1\Users\Students Class2\Users\...
user3432023's user avatar
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Make recoll index sqlite files

How do I make recoll index sqlite files? By default, it doesn't appear to do this. My backup plan is to regularly sqlite3 x .dump > x.dump for each db x (and let recoll index x.dump), but I'm ...
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