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Questions tagged [recharts]

Recharts is a composable charting library built on React components and D3

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React Warning: YAxis: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components

I'm encountering a warning related to defaultProps in a React functional component, specifically in a component that uses recharts. The warning message is: Warning: YAxis: Support for defaultProps ...
said al hendi's user avatar
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React - Recharts How to prevent active bar to change while still hovering on the tooltip

I am using this chart, the problem is my tooltip contains some links, and it's width extends the other bars, and when i want to click on the link, the tooltip changes to the next bar's tooltip. Is ...
Anir_Ln's user avatar
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Rechart XAxis labels backgournd color

Having this recharts ResponsiveContainer <ResponsiveContainer width="90%" height={400}> <BarChart data={data} barSize={100}> <CartesianGrid strokeDasharray=&...
Taoufiq Jmari's user avatar
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react recharts pie chart custom style

I developed an half donut pie chart but i could not add red circle to the point 2 pies touch each other I need to add a red circle white bordered in pic below. this is my component import { PieChart,...
ozgur's user avatar
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Recharts Area chart is displaying in the incorrect position

I used a rechart library to visualize my data. But the rechart area chart is displayed y-axis values incorrectly. like Y-axis value: 107 but it's showing on position 70. The chart area should display ...
sohag's user avatar
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How to render a React component inside of a Gridstack Widget?

I have the following issue: I am trying to render different React components (Rechart components with dummy data) inside some Gridstack widgets and I couldn't really find a staight forward example for ...
user25699736's user avatar
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Recharts disable animation when refreshing the data

I am currently using an area chart from Recharts which i like very much. It animates when I load the page and looks very nice. However, bec my data is live, I refetch updated data from the database ...
Dassy's user avatar
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Rechart adjust title size to overflow text longer than x size on new line

( Here's an image to make it clearer for you and code <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height={400}> <RadarChart cx="50%" cy=&...
sachaAkiba's user avatar
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How to place datalabels within container for recharts - PieChart when a label having longer text

I am using recharts library to plot pie chart in our react application. I have added the datalabels for each slice. The labels are cropping since it has larger length. Is there any way to wrap the ...
Kesavan Subramaniam Che's user avatar
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How to draw a doughnut chart with labels and segments in React?

I am trying to create a doughnut chart in React similar to the one in the attached image. The chart has different segments with labels on the outside and an image inside the doughnut hole. Each ...
Surush Surush's user avatar
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React Recharts drawing ReferenceLine at the top of the chart

Chart Screenshot i'm trying to draw a reference line at this AreaChart for threshold values, which is the Y value of the chart. And the domain of the Y value is the cumulative amount of data traffic (...
hongsoohyuk's user avatar
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The recharts library draws the Y axis incorrectly

The recharts library draws the Y axis incorrectly enter image description here code <YAxis type="number" dataKey="response" name="Response&...
Dan Florko's user avatar
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Can recharts draw lines of data at different frequencies?

I am currently pulling my hair around a problem that sounds simple at first: I have data at different frequencies (e.g. 1 point every 15minutes for one series, and 1 every 1hour for another) that I ...
user25169592's user avatar
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Issues with Recharts elements positioning on PDF export in Safari when changing page zoom

I'm facing an issue with exporting charts to PDF using the html-to-image and jspdf libraries. The charts are created using the Recharts library. When I change the page zoom in Safari, the elements in ...
Kristina Garanchuk's user avatar
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how to make a rechart scale based on number of bars

I'm trying to make a set of vertical charts with different numbers of bars in each chart. I'd like the bar height and the gaps to be consistent so that the total height of the chart would be dynamic. ...
maganthro's user avatar
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