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Questions tagged [reactive]

The reactive tag refers to a variable type and environment used inside Shiny applications based in the R programming language. Reactive elements are dynamic and changing over time usually due to user input to the Shiny application. This tag should be used with questions and errors regarding how to refresh, update, assign, and access user inputs into Shiny. The reactive tag is to be used in conjunction with the r and shiny tag.

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How to update fillColor to selected input in shiny and leaflet map

I am having a difficult time transitioning my map from static to reactive so a user can select what data they want to look at. I am pretty new to R so please bare with me but I think I figured out how ...
Han-Jiun Ke's user avatar
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Spring Functional Endpoints returning 404

I'm creating an application using both regular endpoints and functional endpoints. If I hit any created with the regular endpoints, I get the desired results. But introducing the functional endpoints, ...
Luiz Gustavo Mendes's user avatar
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Updating selectInput in shiny app based on user selection

I have a simple shiny app with 2 select input : shinyApp( ui = fluidPage( selectInput("Params1", "Parameter 1",choices=c('Significant wave height [m]' = 'Significant wave ...
Haribo's user avatar
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How to change the color of a RadioButton option depending on whether it is the correct choice?

I am currently developing an R Shiny App to train some new starters at our company in R. Using Shiny, I want to include multiple choice questions and options to test people on certain questions. For ...
Mickiii's user avatar
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How do I filter a table by clicking on a bar chart segment?

I built an RShiny dashboard with plotly-r using the palmer penguins dataset so that when I click on a bar chart segment, it uses that event data to filter a dataset. On Hover: On Click: I wanted to ...
Dave Guenther's user avatar
-2 votes
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WebClient incorrect request body length after intercept in filter

I intercept my XML request body by adding two nodes and remove some namespaces. When I'm trying to use my filter, in header content-length I have pre-intercept request body length. I checked that if I ...
mar14's user avatar
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nodejs ms2 like table reactive

I would like to show a ms2 like data table refreshing data when changing or just by time interval. I have seen this nice module: And this even ...
J. Pablo García's user avatar
-1 votes
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defaultIfEmpty is not working eventhough my object is empty/null

defaultIfEmpty is not working eventhough my object is empty/null. I initilized list with both empty and null. In both the scenrios defaultIfEmpty is not invoked. It is failing at the following ...
Thiagarajan Ramanathan's user avatar
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Svelte subscribe to changes using

I am quite new to Svelte coming from an IOS background. I am currently trying to build a fairly simple application and am going around in circles trying to get my values to auto update when they are ...
Yiags1978's user avatar
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How can I display my textOutput to all tabPanel

I'm working on a shiny app and having an issue with my code. I've got a reactive text that changes based on a selectInput. For example if I choose "Character 1" in my selectInput I will have ...
Baptiste Gusciglio's user avatar
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ESLint for TS and svelte no-unused-vars store reactive element

here is my eslintrc file .eslintrc.cjs With this configuration I'm getting warning for this cases import {store} from '@js/stores/globalStores' $store = 'abc' warning warning 'store' is defined ...
Garo Gabrielyan's user avatar
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Angular 14 reactive forms mat radio button group not working as expected

I am using an reactive form in angular Version 14 which has a radio button below is the code provided for the radio button group used i have a mat radion button group in my form <div *ngSwitchCase=&...
Mohan V's user avatar
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Mono.defaultIfEmpty is called even when the object is not empty

Mono.defaultIfEmpty is called even when the object is not empty Here is the code snippet public Mono<ResponseEntity<Response>> validateUser(@Valid @RequestBody ValidateUserRequest request, ...
Thiagarajan Ramanathan's user avatar
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RxCpp: Duplicate Data in Windows When Using window_toggle

I'm using RxCpp to process a stream of order data and time slices. My goal is to segment the order data into windows, where each window is defined by three consecutive time slice messages. However, I'...
L.Doe's user avatar
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How to parse Aggregation returned by reactive elastic search client

I have get the aggregation from reactive elastic search client, but I don't know how to parse it to transfer it into my domain object. Any suggestion is welcome. YearMonth yearMonth = YearMonth.of(...
Jason's user avatar
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Webflux Requests handled by MVC

I want to have MVC Servlet Based & Reactive Rest Api's together in a single Spring Boot App of version 3.2 using openJDK 17. I created a dummy app and tested a webflux api call with 2 scenarios: ...
bahadir_g's user avatar
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PrimeNG Angular, year-picker not working as Reactive

am I doing something wrong or is this a bug (middle, year picker not working): <!-- Month Control --> <input type="month" view="month" ...
user1085211's user avatar
0 votes
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Flux always returning null or empty

I have this GET controller @GetMapping("/test") public Flux<String> test() { return Flux.just("Test1", "test2") .delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .log(...
Maverlck's user avatar
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How to load datasets in Dataiku Shiny based on partitions?

Trying to get an hold on how to skip some calculation steps since the flow zone in dataiku is working and I want to instantly have a certain dataset based on the partition "met_station_id_list&...
João Machado's user avatar
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Reload Data from database in shiny app by clicking action button multiple times

I want to display data from a sql database in a shiny app. There is always new data coming, so it is convenient to click on the action button to display the newest data. here is an example of how I do ...
C. Sebastian's user avatar
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Spring webflux sinks is not emitting events on demand but emitting all events in single response

I need support for multiple publishers and multiple subscribers for each publisher. Below is the controller and service. Sinks is not emitting on demand but it is returning all the events in single ...
Chandrasekhar boya's user avatar
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How to write enum validator in Spring boot to be used in reactive way

Problem Stmt: I want to validate the Enum values that are sent from Json format from POSTMAN via a REST API. I followed this URL for the Enum validation
Gaurav Sharma's user avatar
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Updating chart data realtime from separate component

I'm pretty new to vue-chartjs and chartjs in general but I have a nuxt app (with electron) which is supposed to render the graph data live. Right now I just have sample data with an event listener ...
Zach L's user avatar
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Is it possible to run reactive mongo driver without Spring boot and Spring data?

So, we're using spring without spring boot for our project and got to the point where we need to integrate it with mongodb via reactor. The problem is when we start the app it connects to db but ...
Антон's user avatar
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How to utilize a nested object for a prepopulated Vuetify form

I have started to use typescript to try and build more consistent models which are requested and sent to my API endpoints. However, I am struggling with using these complex object types as models for ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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not able tio bind reactive form data to radio button

i am currently working on angular 14 reactive form , where i need to bind an option to set of radio buttons , i am unable to bind the selected option even though the formcontrolname exsists and has ...
sree K's user avatar
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Joinpoint on method with return type Flux/Mono returns blank

I am new to reactive java and working on spring boot project. I have a method in controller class, which takes id and return Mono. its works fine and retrun response with data.But It returns blank and ...
Seema's user avatar
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Server Side events consumer from spring boot

Given that i have this service-A with this endpoint which returns contentType(MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM) @Bean public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> notificationsRoute(CustomHandler ...
daniel's user avatar
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Create reactive named lists [duplicate]

I'm creating a shiny app where I would like to allow the user to give the value in a list a reactive name. In the minimal example below I would like to have the dropdown menu value ("example1&...
Quinten's user avatar
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How does Spring WebFlux get a response from external service?

I am new to reactive programming with Spring and I am trying to understand it. For example we have an http integration with an other service. I have read that in reactive Spring it is possible with ...
Роман Григорьев's user avatar

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