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Questions tagged [racket]

Racket is an extensible multi-paradigm programming language in the Lisp/Scheme family.

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File explorer functionality for DrRacket?

For me, adding the ability to browse files/directories to DrRacket would be a giant help. I found a reference to the plugin, "files-viewer" but documentation links are broken. Can anyone ...
SteveB's user avatar
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Why is there an error about redefining a constant in code that doesn't redefine a constant?

The following code: #lang racket (define foo1234 (call/cc (lambda (j) (j (lambda (_) (j 5)))))) (foo1234 (lambda (_) 2)) Produces an error about redefining a constant: define-values: ...
Max Heiber's user avatar
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(Scheme) Having trouble with binary search tree in-order traversal

I'm trying to write a Scheme program that performs an in-order traversal of a binary search tree: (define (inorder lst) (cond ((null? lst) '()) ((not (pair? lst)) (list lst)) ...
Dave Filoni's user avatar
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Racket "rotate" and "shift-to" macro from "The Racket Guide"

I'm skimming section 16.1 of "The Racket Guide" and I'm stuck on 16.1.4. I understand everything prior to 16.1.4 (of section 16.1 and not the whole guide). What does the following mean? (...
not_Huyn_Bin's user avatar
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Why is factorial code scaling strangely with larger integers?

I wrote a Racket program to calculate factorials and ran tests to see how the runtime scaled with different values of n for n!. I was surprised to see that sometimes when scaling n, it caused little ...
Ege Çalışkan's user avatar
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Racket custom 'infix' operator

I am still learning this. So my question title and this code both may be incorrect. I am trying to define a new operator for appending. The inspiration for this is some OCaml code I am porting to ...
Mohan Radhakrishnan's user avatar
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Understanding *abort continuations in scheme/racket

Days ago i started reading about continuations and delimited continuation control operators in Scheme (i'm working in racket but using scheme continuations). In that context i was trying the shift/...
Ric's user avatar
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How to Validate Phone Numbers in Plait without Using Regex?

I'm working on a project in Plait, a sublanguage of Racket, and I need to validate phone numbers. The phone numbers should be in the format "xxx-xxx-xxxx" where the area code is either "...
Jose Enrique Plaud's user avatar
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Why does my typed racket code signal any-wrap/c: contract violation expected: acyclic value?

In my Typed Racket program, I'm seeing this error: any-wrap/c: contract violation expected: acyclic value given: #0=(foo #0#) argument position: 1st other arguments...: What could cause this ...
John Clements's user avatar
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Why in SICP one can see seemingly useless evaluation of local variable expressions? Different Scheme implementations behave differently

The deposit and withdraw procedures in the make-account code from SICP both have seemingly useless balance variable expression to evaluate, What is the practical purpose for doing that? (To me it ...
musthero's user avatar
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in drracket version 8.12 how to trace a function?

my quesion is how can i trace a function in drracket version 8.12? I have a guy who wrote the same code as me and his code works, so I think it's because our versions are different, so I want to know, ...
lyh's user avatar
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Why does Racket output 1 for (and 0 1)? [duplicate]

As the title asks, why does Racket output a 1 for a logical and between 0 1? The interesting this here is that the same operation but flipped positions of 0 and 1 give the proper output of 0. I'm no ...
Diego's user avatar
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How to fix "caddr: expects argument of type <caddrable value>" error in Scheme when parsing custom grammar?

I'm developing a Scheme program where I aim to parse a custom language using the sllgen library, focusing on handling try-catch-finally blocks. However, I'm encountering an error related to list ...
Majd Abusaleh's user avatar
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What is the difference between `some-struct?` and `#<some-struct>` in Racket?

I have a struct (struct client-sock-addr (host port)) I have a toText function (define (toText.v1 addr) (string->chunked-string (format "<client-sock-addr ~a ~a>" (client-sock-...
user1713450's user avatar
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Creating a Deterministic Pushdown Automata (pda) that decides L = {a^(m)b^(n)c^(p) | n does not equal p}. FSM, code in Racket Language

When aiming to create a deterministic PDA for the given language, L = {a^(m)b^(n)c^(p) | n should not equal p}, I had come up with the following pda, along with tests that should in theory work: #lang ...
Raw_Pickle's user avatar

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