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Questions tagged [r-mice]

Multiple imputation using Fully Conditional Specification (FCS) implemented by the MICE algorithm. Each variable has its own imputation model. Built-in imputation models are provided for continuous data (predictive mean matching, normal), binary data (logistic regression), unordered categorical data (polytomous logistic regression) and ordered categorical data (proportional odds).

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Factor Analysis with Multiple Imputation

I have a dataset with 49 Items of a questionnaire (ordinal; 0,1,2,3,4) with 5 diagnostic group of samples (n1: 50, n2: 25; n3:30, n4:23, n5:60). However, the dataset have missings like for 10-12 ...
dododabird's user avatar
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Applying a function to all imputed datasets at once?

Thank you so much in advance for your help! Long story short, I am trying to get data ready for a mixed effects model after imputing 50 data sets. I have an object BP.3_impute_list which contains 50 ...
icecreamsundaes's user avatar
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Caret model after multiple imputation with mice

I need help to fit a Neural network model (with caret R package) for a multiple imputed (m=5) datasets. I have performed the imputation and then run the models in the different imputed datasets. ...
Sara's user avatar
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Using adjustedCurve package after multiple imputation - error: arguments of zero length and no non-missing arguments to max

I am having some issues creating adjusted cumulative incidence function using Kaplan Meier estimator after mice. I repeatedly get an error and, being fairly new to R, I am not sure what it means. When ...
Jennifer Yo's user avatar
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After using ga.lasso from the miselect package how do I pool results?

ive been running multiple imputation on a dataset using the mice package creating 5 mids objects. Using those objects ive performed variable selection using the cv.galasso function from the miselect ...
intern5's user avatar
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How do use multiple imputation only for intermittent missing values?

I have a dataset with time-ordered variables where I distinguish between a continuous series of missing values including the final value (monotone missing) and missing values where at least one non-...
Esben Mølgaard's user avatar
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How to visualize GAM fit with a multiple imputed dataset?

I’m working with a dataset that has missing values, and I am using multiple imputation with the mice package in R. I then fit a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) using the mgcv package on the imputed ...
Katherine Drummond's user avatar
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Pooling Levene’s Test in R: Why is D1 method not working? [duplicate]

I want to perform a Levene's Test on multiply imputed datasets (m=5) using the pool_leventest function in R. First, I followed the example code to understand the procedure: imp_data <- mice(...
Abby's user avatar
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Extract the effective degrees of freedom (EDF) from a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) applied to an imputed dataset

How do you extract the pooled estimated degrees of freedom (edf) from a pooled generalized additive model ? library(mice) # For multiple imputation library(mgcv) # For GAM models library(broom) # ...
Katherine Drummond's user avatar
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How to get pooled mean by group after multiple imputation?

Assume we use the following example from the mice package: imp <- mice(nhanes, m=5, print=FALSE, seed=55152) I want to obtain the means of nhanes$chl grouped by nhanes$hyp. Without using multiple ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Plot ROC and nomogram after multiple imputation

How to do ROC and nomogram plotting after multiple imputation with the "mice" package? I found online that I could use the "pool_performance" function for calibration curve ...
master's user avatar
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How do I solve module 'numpy' has no attribute 'float'. Error while using MICE?

Here's my code 1 2 Here's some data 3 - data sample Here's knn imputation result 4 - knn imputation Hi, I'm a beginner in machine learning. While filling in the missing values in the data using MICE, ...
2113원준혁's user avatar
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Multiple imputation (MICE)

In my study, I want to examine the association between psychosocial factors and death and calculate the incidence rates of death by the psychosocial factors at baseline. However, some of the ...
Yuhang Qian's user avatar
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Imputing NA values using Mice while also using a column 'Total' as a condition for the imputation R

ID Year Maths Eng Total 1 2010 20 15 35 1 2011 17 NA 40 2 2010 NA NA 46 2 2011 NA NA 39 3 2010 NA 15 41 3 2011 18 NA 43 4 2010 NA 15 NA 4 2011 NA 18 NA Hello, I am trying to use the mice ...
theD's user avatar
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Fixed Effects Panel Data Models with Multiply Imputed Data

I used the mice package to create 5 implicates of a dataset. I am interested in using fixest:feols() to estimate a fixed effects model that looks like this m1 <- with(mi_data, ...
statslearner13's user avatar

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