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Questions tagged [qbasic]

QBasic is a general-purpose interpreted programming language derived from QuickBasic 4.5. QBasic replaced GWBasic starting from MSDOS 5. It became popular, because it had a quite advanced IDE with a debugger and was delivered free with MSDOS, Windows 95 and 98. The well-known game 'Nibbles' was written in QBasic. QBasic was written by Paul Allen (Microsoft) in 1991. Also see [tag:quickbasic]

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Trying to make a replica of the QBasic Gorilla game in C# Windows Forms. How to make the cube in the designer (banana) move with ballistics?

using System.Numerics; using System.Reflection; using static System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement; namespace gorilla { public partial class Form1 : Form { private ...
ksgq's user avatar
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How do i write the function tjCompress2 from the dynamic library libturbojpeg in qb64 so i can compress a 32 or 24 bits image into a jpeg in a buffer?

I want to use libturbojpeg to make jpegs in qb64 and i don't know how to write the functions. Can someone help me? Declare Dynamic Library "libturbojpeg" Function tjInitCompress () ...
Claudiu's user avatar
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QuickBasic optional arguments

Is it possible to write a subroutine or function with optional arguments? for example: MyFunct (x AS INTEGER, [y AS INTEGER, Z AS INTEGER]) so that I can use the function with only the first argument ...
skibidi's user avatar
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quickBasic WINDOW statement

I found this old book and in the appendix there are some QuickBasic programs that I want to try out.. the problem is that those were written on/for Apple Macintosh II and I use DosBox on a Linux PC.. ...
skibidi's user avatar
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QBasic in Dosbox : MS-DOS interrupt says there's no mouse

I'm using QBASIC version QB45 I'm using the classic code snippet to get the state of the mouse, through a system interrupt : STATIC Regs as RegType = &H0 CALL INTERRUPT(&H33, Regs, ...
jeancallisti's user avatar
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Issue running program in DOS 5.02

We are trying to run certain .exe programs on a IBM 486 running DOS 5.02 to make sure they are backwards compatible. When attempting to compile an QBasic 4.5 program with BC.EXE we get the following ...
eoredson's user avatar
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Function expected ) on tic tac toe game

iam making a tic tac toe on QBasic but I have a problem with a function and i don't know fix it The error is "Expected ) on current line" but i don't know where put ) FUNCTION HayGanador() ...
1 vote
1 answer

Im trying to make tetris in Basic , but I have encoutered a problem which i cant seem to solve

' Define the subroutine SUB MySubroutine PRINT "Hello, world!" END SUB ' Call the subroutine CALL MySubroutine I wanted to try and make TetrisTetris in qbasic but I'm trying to figure ...
Mirazz_Boi's user avatar
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Inconsistent REDIM behaviour in QuickBasic 4.5

I was writing a toy QBasic compiler and some tests for it. When I tried to create a vector type, I encountered an inconsistency with REDIM. The following code works in both QBasic and QuickBasic 4.5 ...
nightuser's user avatar
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Number required for function error in qb64

I am writing a qb64 / QBasic software program to convert a numerical grade 0-100 to a letter grade (a,b,c,d,f). I have set it up so that strings/arrays are used to allow infinite grades to be entered. ...
Ian L's user avatar
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Event listener not updating variable in while loop

I'm currently working on a project where I'm trying to run some QBasic code on a webpage. I transpiled it to JavaScript and I wrote some helper functions to replace functions in QBasic. Specifically,...
mgoldy925's user avatar
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QBASIC program is returning an 'inf' output

I'm starting to learn QBASIC for while, but the first test is something I can't understand fully... There is a part about the y variable which is returning "inf" and I can't understand WHY.....
Super Coder's user avatar
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PeekInt, PokeInt, Peek, Poke equivalent in C from BASIC

I was wondering what is the equivalent of the command Peek and Poke (Basic and other variants) in C. Something like PeekInt, PokeInt (integer). Something that deals with memory banks, I know in C ...
LazerBlazer's user avatar
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How to transfer loop from qBasic to JS?

I tried to move code from qBasic to JS but after moving I got incorrect result (infinite loop or incorrect numbers). Can you help me to find where is mistake. I think mistake on loop condition. qBasic ...
Eugene Chefranov's user avatar
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Set cursor in QB45

I have been using the following code to change the cursor in QB45: SUB LocateX(Inserting) ' locate cursor IF Inserting THEN ' half-block cursor Locate Xcoor, Ycoor, 1, 3, 7 ...
Azathoth's user avatar
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