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Questions tagged [pyomo]

Pyomo is a Python-based open-source software package that supports a diverse set of optimization capabilities for formulating, solving, and analyzing optimization models.

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Pyomo, file path issue

I have the current code provided to me by my thesis supervisor. he advised me that the code should run without any changes. i have the file and code saved in the same folders and have edited the excel ...
KADEN MOONSAMY's user avatar
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In a MINLP optimization, how can I ensure that a variable is set to 0 by constraint instead of a really low value in pyomo?

I have been trying my hand at a MINLP process synthesis problem that has been running into numerical difficulties due to small non-zero values. In essence, the model contains continuous flow variables ...
Martin S.'s user avatar
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Wrong sign in the dual variable of a constraint

I am pretty new to Pyomo. I am sorry if the question is trivial, but I do not understand. I have the following LP: S = pyo.ConcreteModel() S.dual = pyo.Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT_EXPORT) S.x = pyo....
user2695795's user avatar
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Pyomo- adding in export limitation constraints into pyomo optimization for battery energy storage optimization model

I've been bashing my head up against a wall trying to add additional constraints into the battery energy flow model:
Cameron Kerr's user avatar
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Limit the sum of param and var at any timestep

I'm currently writing a Python/Pyomo script that optimizes the combined usage of a battery storage system and a solar power plant. I want to constrain the combined energy output of the solar power ...
Voric's user avatar
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Pyomo did not find license for solvers

I worked with pyomo to solve MINLP. After i updated pyomo to the latest version pyomo-6.7.3, i get the error: ValueError: gams is not licensed. I checked, if gams is an environment variable. If i type ...
Marvin Lang's user avatar
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How to create a binary on-off switch for 2 variables using glpk linear programming?

I have created a contrived example of my problem in an example here. It involves 2 water pipes which lead from a dam to a town. I want only 1 pipe to carry water over each timestamp, t. I have created ...
Jwem93's user avatar
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GLPK solver in Azure

I want to resolve a problem in Python with Pyomo modules. and I can resolve it locally with my laptop because I installed GLPK as a solver. I would want to know how to upload GLPK to my repository in ...
miguagui's user avatar
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How to read the .smps file in pyomo or pysp

I want to utilize pyomo to solve 2stage stochastic programs (achieved from SIPLIB, which is in smps format), but how to make the smps file compatible with pyomo? Is there any implementation? I found ...
liuwb17's user avatar
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Duplicates Found in CBC

Pyomo generated this CBC file, which CBC says is not valid because contains duplicates. How to found these duplicates? Solver command line: ['/usr/bin/cbc', '-printingOptions', 'all', '-import', '/tmp/...
gdm's user avatar
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Pyomo + IPOPT Max Iterations reached without optimality

I have been working on an optimal control problem using Pyomo + IPOPT, but I just cannot find an optimal solution. It is a 3 phase trajectory problem with an objective of minimizing mass flow rate(...
Mewael Afeworki's user avatar
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Issue with calling Knitro

I use pyomo to formulate my problem and then use ampl to call knitro to solve my problem, as show in code below: self.solver_pyo = pyo.SolverFactory(modules.find(“Knitro”), solve_io = “nl”) My ...
John zhang's user avatar
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How to implement a logical condition based on two variables with pyomo

I'm modeling a PV + BESS system to find the optimum size that will meet a certain demand profile. I'm trying to model a condition for the charging of the BESS whereby charging occur when the output of ...
Mufika's user avatar
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network optimisation supply planning is not generating weekly plan

I am working on Production planning optimization where I have three stages of planning Production plan Packaging plan Dispatch plan for each stage I have its capacity and lead time it takes for each ...
Prashant Pandya's user avatar
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Why pyomo unpack namedtuples in constraints?

I am new to pyomo and I want to understand why it works with namedtuple the way it works. There is a code sample: from collections import namedtuple import pyomo.environ as pyo Product = namedtuple(&...
Alexey's user avatar
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