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Questions tagged [pug]

Pug (formerly known as Jade) is a robust, elegant and feature-rich template engine for Node.js.

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TailwindCSS Media Queries Not Working in Pug Template

I'm facing an issue with TailwindCSS media queries when using them in a Pug template. The media query styles aren't being applied as expected. The rendered HTML is: <div id="caracteristica&...
Xavi Font's user avatar
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Using Square Brackets in Class Names with Pug and Tailwind CSS

I'm trying to use both Pug and Tailwind CSS for a project. I encountered an issue when trying to utilize Tailwind's custom values syntax (using square brackets) in a Pug template. I understand that h-[...
Xavi Font's user avatar
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how do I wait for data to be fetched in javascript? [duplicate]

so i am fetching data from mongodb atlas and then store it in an array, then i pass it in pug , but issue here is what i think is that pug file is rendered before data could be fetched . here is the ...
Sanidhya Sahu's user avatar
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How using bootstrap styles with jade framework? [duplicate]

I use jade framework. In my jade file view.jade I have strings: | #{mytext.text.slice(0, 30) + '...'} // The text in my table that needs to be displayed all the time .tooltip-inner | #{mytext....
Froggy's user avatar
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Pug - Is there a way to get the output markup from a pug mixin as a escaped markup?

The idea is to have the possibility to use the same mixin used to build some componet for a project also to get the html output to use inside <code> tags to build a small documetation. So here I ...
spazione's user avatar
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how to fix csp bug with pug, sass, gulp

This is my project structure: enter image description here My gulpfile.js : const gulp = require("gulp"); const pug = require("gulp-pug"); const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require(...
Cloly's user avatar
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kss-node multiple markup on page?

is there a way so show multiple markup on a page in kss-node? Like a overview page? Normal: // Whatever // // Lets show Whatever // // Markup: atoms/2.01.whatever/_2.01.1.whatever.html // // ...
McFly2k's user avatar
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How to fix Indent error in pug + Nuxt 3 + vite?

I have this error when i did indent in template vue, but without indent it work correct and i don't get the error > > 2| WrapperGlobal > -------^ > 3| v-container.fill-height &...
Maksym Gapachilo's user avatar
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Global interceptor, response mapping and library specific responses in NestJS

I'm trying to use "library-specific" response objects alongside a global interceptor in NestJS, but it's not working and as I understand from the documentation, this is expected: Response ...
Juan Delgado's user avatar
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Jest for Angular with Pug throws "SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'" at templateUrl

I'm changing a very large electron+angular+pug project to use Jest instead of Karma+Jasmine. These are my package versions: Node: 15.14.0 "@angular/cli": "11.2.10", "jest"...
Marko Mićović's user avatar
-1 votes
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how use setInterval in pug?

i want make a clock using pug and nodejs node let clock function getClock() { ~ clock = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`; } app.get("/main", (req, res) => { ~ res.render(&...
nojingu1357's user avatar
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is there a way to pass rendered variables from pug templates to client side JS files?

I am making a small project with Node.js, Express and Pug templates. I am passing data with res.render('template', {processedData}); to pug template where I have two graphs created with Chart.js. I ...
Vilhelms Balodis's user avatar
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Pug cannot find installed Highlight.js JSTransformer filter

The documentation says I just have to install the filters via npm in order to use them. If you want to be able to use filters in your Pug template, you would first make sure that these features are ...
Matheus Moreira's user avatar
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Reference Error when Importing TypeScript Module into JS File

I am currently facing an issue while introducing TypeScript into a portion of my project. My project uses CommonJS for module management and Pug as a template engine. I'm attempting to import a class ...
Hugo's user avatar
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Multiline blocks in tag interpolation

I'm using Pug templates to write articles in HTML and have run into issues with extremely long lines when interpolating tags into plain text. For example: blockquote(cite='
Matheus Moreira's user avatar

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