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Getting Google Maps to load in meteor project

I am have an issue of getting my meteor project to display a map. I am using dburles as my googleapi library. I have followed the instructions in the tutorial and my GoogleMaps.load() returns ...
Geoffrey Hutson's user avatar
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Using one autoForm, I need to insert data into two collections

I am currently working on an inventory system that takes a Part Collection, and a Purchase Collection as the backbone of the application. Each part much have a corresponding purchase. I.E a Part must ...
Geoffrey Hutson's user avatar
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Vue & Pug - CoffeScript in attributes

So I'm using Vue with the template written in Pug and I'd like to use a bit of CoffeeScript in the Pug markdown. Something like this: input( v-model.trim="#[:coffee-script user?.details?.last_name]" ...
Zoltán Matók's user avatar
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how json data into pug template (mongoose)

I'm trying to develop a website using angular mongo and node (coffee script and mongoose). I got some database value from the mongo db but I need to show the data into the pug template engine here ...
Dfx's user avatar
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using meteor with coffeescript and jade: callback[i].call is not a function

I have been trying out Meteor with Coffeescript and Jade. And for the most basic app I wrote the following code. import './' import './main.jade' main.jade head title ...
smashingpumpkin's user avatar
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Once I delete a filter everything disappear in AngularJS

Once i have selected a filter and I want to delete it, it delete the filter in the select "box" but everything disappear but it should display everything filterless like when I run de page for the ...
Nicolas Guerin's user avatar
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Dynamicaly add event to Meteor template

In my Meteor.JS app I want to dynamicaly add click events on elements taken from database. Unfortunately, function is not triggered after click (but event is added to Template.algorithms.__eventsMap ...
Miron Marczuk's user avatar
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How to put some html markdowns in an angular-translate variable?

There is my problem: I have to put a long sentence with bold and underlined parts in a variable. First of all, I cut it in several variables and it worked very well, but I thought about the translator ...
devill_h's user avatar
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How to execute code after reactive table has rendered?

I have a template called inboxSection. In that template I have a reactive table. The code looks something like this: template(name="inboxSection") .col-xs-12.curator-inbox-section-head .pull-...
Abe Miessler's user avatar
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Dynamically change ng-if in custom directive

There is the following code (Jade): img( data-ng-src = "{{ ctrl.getAttachmentPreview(attachment) }}", data-ng-if = "attachment.media_type == 'image'", data-image-error = "xxx" ...
malcoauri's user avatar
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68 views does not load Javascript file

I have a server running, which works fine, however my Javascript files will not load properly. I have a Jade file, which looks like this: html head h1 Test index body ...
user3208216's user avatar
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CSS: How to fit a circular progress bar according to screen size (mobile)

this is more of a CSS question. I have gotten the code to create a circular progress bar from this link. I have pasted the code below as well. Currently, when I used the code, it creates a circular ...
Zhen's user avatar
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"more" button in a list responsive as angular directive in .jade and .cofee

I need to do something like this but as an AngularJS directive and using .jade and .coffee. I am quite new to the last ones, so I don't how can I achieve that. var elemWidth, fitCount, fixedWidth = ...
Falcon's user avatar
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Sorting Progress from User Data in Jade using CoffeeScript

I currently have an issue.. I'm trying to sort progress bars from least to greatest in the Jade template system. Basically the way the script is currently setup on the jade end is just grabbing data ...
Brandon Palmer's user avatar
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Passing variable to Modal window in Angular with Jade and CoffeeScript

I am trying to pass a value from a page to a pop-up modal window but the browser gives me an undefined value. Following is my page controller function for the modal window $scope.showUserDetails = (...
Adnan's user avatar
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