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Questions tagged [primefaces-datatable]

PrimeFaces p:dataTable component related questions

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Primefaces Datatable: how to default select a checkbox which is disabled

I have a datatable and a particular row's checkbox is disabled. But it is not showing as selected. I want to show it as selected by default though it is disabled default. Please help me how to do that....
AAPJ's user avatar
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Cell editing do not work when dataTable and columns are dynamically generated

I have a web application using Primefaces 12. When I use the dataTable in a xhtml file, do work fine if I fill one of the columns and go to another. But when I use the dataTable dynamically generated ...
Javier's user avatar
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How to show header name of column in exported xlsx file in Primefaces

I try to export my table to xlxs file with DataTable from Primefaces, the code like this : The Button : <p:commandButton styleClass="ui-button-outlined" ajax="false" value="...
Dena Achmad's user avatar
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Set value of a selectOneMenu in a dataTable row based on an outputText column value in the same row, without backing bean

EDIT: Requirements were revised so a conditional label on the noSelectOption item was sufficient (code below). No longer need a solution, but feel free to post any. <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{...
Chris C's user avatar
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How to display columnGroup only on the last page using primefaces datatable?

<p:columnGroup type="footer"> <p:row rendered="#{}"> <p:column footerText="TOTAL" style="text-align:left" /> </p:columnGroup> I use the ...
Josip's user avatar
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Combine PrimeFaces 11 modal edit dialog with RowEdit component for cellEditor in per column

The problem is a issue in the RowEditor component displayed in the Edit modal for save the edited columns is collapsed with the button "Cancelar" if the edit modal not support the RowEditor ...
carlodelviento's user avatar
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Primefaces dataTable reset after Submit button click

I am working with springboot + primefaces project and there is a page, which include a form. form is to update trieved data, form has some input fields and datatable, how ever after i click submit ...
Nisansala's user avatar
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PrimeFaces V8, How to add a row on the top of the table?

<ui:composition xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:ui="
Dev_Edimar FUll stack's user avatar
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PrimeFaces dataExport with lazy model return empty PDFs

I am using prime faces 13, with java 21 and the com.lowgie.itext v2.1.7 (It is the last one supported by prime faces). The thing is that I can import my data correctly into others formats like cvs or ...
A.Casanova's user avatar
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Primefaces fixed width frozen column and expandable scroll area

I'm going by the Primefaces showcase to add a frozen column to a datatable. Their setup has you set a fixed width for the scrollable area, and the frozen column area expands horizontally to fill ...
Holden's user avatar
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CSS only applies to last datatable in Primefaces

I have a page where I have to add multiple data tables. One datatable is working fine, but as soon as I add one more same datatable by just changing id of the component. The width of the columns on ...
Imran Khurram's user avatar
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JSF PrimeFaces p:dataTable Not Updating Immediately and Issues with Filtering by Roles

I am working on a JSF application using PrimeFaces and facing two issues related to p:dataTable: Data Table Not Updating: When I add a new user through a dialog, the user is successfully saved to the ...
dumbTransaction's user avatar
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JSF invoke dialog from commandLink/ajax

I'm able to invoke dialog from commandlink using ajax (present inside a dataTable). Requirement- The row(commandlink) I click on, dialog should show the clicked row's value. Issue- f:...
satya prakash Panigrahi's user avatar
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How to make rows expandable/retractable with subTable?

I'm actually working in a project where i'm using Java Primefaces and I need to create a datatable that group elements under multiple categories The render. I want to be able to retract the category ...
Gustavo Moreira Vidal Pereira's user avatar
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how to access details of rowgroups of primefaces datatable

I have a primefaces datatable that allows grouping by rows and I want print on backing bean the rowgroups and the rows index that each rowgroup contains here is the xhtml <p:dataTable id="...
Edgard Moreno's user avatar

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