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Questions tagged [playframework-2.1]

Play is based on a lightweight, stateless, web-friendly architecture and features predictable and minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) for highly-scalable applications.

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Play Framework: How to access again my submitted form during bad request, my code can't access the list again

index.scala.html @(form: Form[applicationmodel.ApplicationModel]) @if(form.hasErrors) { @for((key, value) <- form.errors) { <p>@value(0).message</p> } } else { <form action="/...
kenjiro jaucian's user avatar
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Play Framework error on messages file I18N

I am trying to put the following word on messages file in Play on Eclipse: Alavés=Alavés It always gives me an error. If try this way: Alaves=Alaves It works.How do I deal with the accent?
Renan Geraldo's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How do I run a Play Framework 2.1 project in IntelliJ?

I have an existing Play 2.1 project. I've been running it with the console and it works fine. However, when I try to run it with IntelliJ using these instructions it doesn't work: https://www....
TomahawkPhant's user avatar
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How to fetch from database according to form input in ebean java play framework

i have a form with two tables one for drivers and another for vehicles and i want to select from vehicles vehicle_plate_no where driver name is like driver's names text input on the form. With bellow ...
gramanda grandish's user avatar
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How to refer external class path to play framework application?

I have a small play framework application, which will create a spark session with enableHiveSupport() option, so i have to refer the hive-site.xml configuration file to the application In eclipse i ...
Varadha31590's user avatar
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Set classpath for playframework

I am running a project using $ activator "run 8081". In the application, I try to read an xml file using the following command: resource = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(filePath) ...
Arash's user avatar
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what is the best way to implement access token in play framework

I am working on a project with play framework 2.5 which provides API service for developers. I now want to implement access token with play framework in order to control the access of the server APIs....
vaj oja's user avatar
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play framework sometimes failed to read language files

I use playframework 2.3.x and have Russian and English languages. The problem is that the email sometimes can get the values from the language files. For example, in the file, i have mail.subject=...
vaj oja's user avatar
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"encoded string too long" error in play stage command

Using play framework v2.1.1, we use command play clean compile stage to generate deployable artifacts. It was working fine from past many months. We have not changed anything but now when I tried ...
Mohit Garg's user avatar
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@Inject object null: Play dependency injection

I instantiated using dependency injection in my controller class. When i try to use that object using @inject annotation elsewhere, i get null value. Here is my code skeleton. @singleton class ...
konquestor's user avatar
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value async is not a member of object play.api.mvc.Action

The following is my method definition: import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import{ByteArrayInputStream, FileInputStream, IOException, File} import play.api.Logger._ import play.api.libs....
Shailesh's user avatar
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How to update database entity in java play framework

I am new on play framework java, i am doing on store management system and i need to know how to use class calculation if i sell s.thing to the client from store A to client X , when i check remaining ...
Kabera Mugwaneza Alexis's user avatar
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How to retrieve a sum of table column in play java framework

I am new in play and I am able to retrieve all column in database but i don't know how to get a sum of all retrieve data model class controller class
user3518835's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Error during sbt execution: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/StringContext

I am trying to run a play framework(2.1) application which is written in Scala but getting some error. I need to use Play framework 2.1 only. As per build.sbt file, I am using Scala 2.11.7. sbt....
Shailesh's user avatar
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PlayFramework Activator Error

I created my first Play app ang get the error using "run" command: Cause Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.typesafe.netty.http.pipelining.OrderedDownstreamMessageEvent at
NikitaAbrosimov's user avatar

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