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Questions tagged [open-telemetry-collector]

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OpenTelemetry Only Emit traces when service restarted

Below is my Otel implementation to instantiate the OpenTelemetry SDKs for Metrics & Traces. I found that Metrics are getting emitted whenever application requests are getting served but Traces are ...
Swapnil Kotwal's user avatar
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Upload logs from fluentbit to Opentelemetry collector

I want to upload logs from fluent bit to open telemetry collector on AKS cluster So, I have installed otel collector as deployment from here and fluentbit from here This is my fluentbit configration ...
Ritika's user avatar
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OpenTelemetry .NET: Metrics getting duplicated with UpDownCounters and ObservableGauges

I have just started using OpenTelemetry with .NET. I have a use case where I need to log custom metrices, such as success and failure counts in the application. To avoid data duplication, I am using ...
Abhishek Anand's user avatar
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Filtering out metrics based on labels for opentelemetry collectors?

I want to filter out (either including or excluding) hostmetrics's CPU based on metric's labels but this does not work well when I use the include/exclude syntax for filterprocessor. Here are my ...
addicted's user avatar
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Not able to get traces into kafka consumer from Open Telemetry collector

Not able to get traces into Kafka consumer output from collector. please find the below otel-config file. Our pipeline is from our app--otel-kafka, spans are getting generated and displayed in the ...
Bhanu Praveen's user avatar
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Azure Application Gateway: Restrict mutual authentication to specific client certificate [closed]

I've set up mutual authentication between opentelemetry collector and Azure Application Gateway, which currently accepts all client certificates issued by the intermediate CA configured in the SSL ...
Prince Ninawe's user avatar
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What is an analogue of the publishing-to-pushgateway mechanism or another in opentelemetry like in prometheus-net library?

What is an analogue of the publishing-to-pushgateway mechanism class in opentelemetry or another mechanism for sending metrics from a Windows application to the Web application (which collects all ...
Ксения Юдина's user avatar
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Error in OpenTelemetry With Istio: sending queue is full

I'm using OpenTelemetry as a tracing collector in istio, but after running OpenTelemetry Collector for a while, the logs for istio-ingressgateway and the logs for Sidecar (istio-proxy) in the Pod keep ...
Mike Wang's user avatar
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How to add labels to prometheus metrics from dotnet application sending opentelemetry to a collector

I have a dotnet container which I can't change the source code of running inside a kubernetes cluster as a deployment. The application is sending its metrics to an otel collector configured in ...
mattb's user avatar
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have trouble getting error traces detail on opentelemetry

I cant get error traces detail on zipkin my infra looks like that my tomcat side in added this conf for attach opentelemetry autoinsttrumental agent export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -...
Mehmet Başaran's user avatar
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How to get VCenter VM or host details of associated datastore using Rest APIs

Using opentelemetry receiver I am getting metrics for datastore. But the metrics holds information about datastore name and Vcenter IP. But doesn't give information about which VM this datastore is ...
user25884576's user avatar
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How to implement tail sampling in open telemetry gateway collector for grpc error codes?

I have below policy for http error codes in my gateway collector config.yaml { name: error_traces, type: numeric_attribute, numeric_attribute: { key: http.status_code, min_value: 400, max_value: 599 } ...
Madhav Bissa's user avatar
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Arbitrary json log receiver over HTTP for OpenTelemetry collector

How can I send a '{"foo": "bar"}' payload over HTTP to Otel-collector and make it parse it into a OTLP log for further processing our just output it to stdout via debug exporter? ...
Maklaus's user avatar
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How to log traces in Opentelemetry Collector to stdout

we're using an OTel collector to funnel and sample traces from several microservices. We would like to log those traces (the actual trace) as single-line JSONs, crucially including attributes, to ...
LAP's user avatar
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Using transform in the otel-collector

I need to use transform to change descriptions in metrics on otel-collector. I'm starting the otel-collector with this command just to see if my configuration runs: docker run --rm -v "$PWD/otel-...
thoredge's user avatar
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