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Questions tagged [numpy]

NumPy is one of the many modules in Python that adds support of large multidimensional arrays and matrixes, along with a large library of high-level mathematical functions for operations with these arrays.

27,100 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Pickle still fails for numpy.void objects

Over a year ago I reported a bug I encountered while pickling some fairly complex data. At the time I didn't know what the issue was and believed it might have had something todo with recursive ...
mapf's user avatar
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13 votes
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Scipy optimize raises ValueError despite x0 being within bounds

I'm trying to fit a sigmoid curve onto a small set of points, basically generating a probability curve from a set of observations. I'm using scipy.optimize.curve_fit, with a slightly modified logistic ...
Iago's user avatar
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Numpy replace values and return new array

Is there a function in numpy similar to np.put that returns a new array instead of modifying an array in place? Something like this: def put_copy(arr, ind, v, mode="raise"): arr_copy = arr.copy() ...
C_Z_'s user avatar
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Problems with OpenGL 4 VBOs and Numpy arrays, Pyglet/Python

I'm getting started with using OpenGL 4 in Python (through Pyglet and some framework code I got off the net/wrote myself for loading Shaders/Programs), but I think I understand things fairly well, so ...
NightmareBadger's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Tensorflow DNNclassifier: error wile training (numpy.ndarray has no attribute index)

I am trying to train a DNNClassifier in tensorflow Here is my code train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.pandas_input_fn( x=X_train, y=y_train, batch_size=1000, shuffle = True ) ...
Cybercop's user avatar
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Convert a list of numpy arrays to json for return from flask api

I have a dictinary in python like this: mydic = { 'x1': list_of_numpy_array, 'x2': a numpy_array, 'x3': a list_of_numpy_array, 'x4': a list_of_numpy_array } I want to send this ...
user3000968's user avatar
9 votes
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Python loop taking more time at each iteration

I made a for loop which strangely increases in duration at each iteration although the amount of variables manipulated remains constant. The code is below with: X [N*F]: a numpy array with N samples ...
Tabs's user avatar
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Do numpy or scipy implement sub-cubic multiplication

I've searched quite a bit, but I've only found homegrown reimplementations of Strassen matrix multiplication. Wikipedia says that numpy uses BLAS (which includes a high-performance implementations ...
user's user avatar
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How can I merge two pandas DataFrames based on a function instead of just where values are equal?

I have two DataFrames that each have a column for firstname. I'd like to merge the columns on those strings, but on the Levenshtein distance as opposed to just where the strings are equal. I'm ...
Travis's user avatar
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9 votes
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python pickle size limit

i want to pickle a large (1810392*255) numpy array. However when pickling i get an error: [...]error: 'i' format requires -2147483648 <= number <= 2147483647 Code: import numpy import pickle ...
dlangenk's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to type hint function to be compatible with numpy

Source code of from typing import Union, Any import numpy as np Number = Union[int, float, np.floating[Any]] def add_one(num: Number) -> Number: return num + 1 inputs = [1, 2, 3] ...
kym's user avatar
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something wrong about scipy and numpy, when i import scipy.stats.linregress

When I import scipy.stats.linregress, to do something about ols, there is a TypeError. When I run my code in PyCharm, all is OK. There is no error and I can get the right results. But when I debug my ...
xinyangq's user avatar
8 votes
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numpy with mypy: indexing NDArray returns Any type

Is it possible to index numpy arrays are receive at least the same type? Running the following code through mypy reveals the following types: import numpy as np from numpy.typing import NDArray a = ...
gshaikov's user avatar
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Failed to install Numpy 1.20.2 with Poetry on Python 3.9

When I try to install Numpy 1.20.2 module with Python Poetry 1.1.4 package manager (poetry add numpy) in a Python 3.9.0 virtual environment, I get: ERROR: Failed building wheel for numpy Failed to ...
bolino's user avatar
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Estimating maximum numpy array size to fit in memory

I have the following piece of code to estimate whether a new numpy array will fit in memory: import numpy as np from subprocess import Popen, PIPE def getTotalMemory(): output, _= Popen(r'wmic ...
jvandeweg's user avatar
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