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Questions tagged [null-coalescing]

The concept of setting a default value if a condition evaluates to null.

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Confused with Postgres COALESCE retuning 'null'

A postgres table contains a column with the data type: test_score character varying(10) The column may contain null values or numeric. SQL Result select COALESCE( test_score, '0' ) '' (blank) ...
Pro West's user avatar
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SwiftUI error Value of optional type 'UIImage?' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'UIImage'

I'm trying to show a placeholder image in the case there has not been a picture made: // Function to create a photo button and image placeholder func photoButton(title: String) -> some View { ...
Sebas Visser's user avatar
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2 answers

Null-coalescing out parameter doesnt give error

This question describes a error related to using Null-coalescing, Null-conditional and out parameter: Null-coalescing out parameter gives unexpected warning The answer details the reasons for this ...
Eugene Pavlyuk's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a nice one-liner to provide a default if a value is None?

There is a possibility that I am searching under wrong keywords, but I can't find the answer to the question: Is there a nice one-liner to provide a default value if the variable is NoneType? For ...
skelaw's user avatar
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Javascript Logical OR operator in return statement of a function

I am using Vuetify, specifically the v-text-field from inside v-form. Each of these v-text-fields has a property called rules, used for validation. That property accepts an array with a bunch of ...
Alexandru Lolea's user avatar
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How does the null check operator work in Dart

I'm using this repository to familiarize myself with Amazon's Cognito user system. In the file lib/screens/signup_screen.dart, starting at line 27 there is this piece of code: TextFormField( ...
Anteino's user avatar
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assigned null value in Null-coalescing assignmen C#

If the phrase ?? = in C # is for assigning null then why is the value assigned in this example? IList<string> list = new List<string>() {"cat" , "book" }; (list ??= new List<string&...
Vahid Ghasemi's user avatar
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Check if an a propery of an object from an array is contained in another array of object

Let's say I have these arrays of object selectedNames = [ {label: 'Nicolas', value:'Nicolas'}, {label: 'Michael', value:'Michael'}, {label: 'Sean', value:'Sean'}, {label: 'George', value:'...
palnic's user avatar
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Using c# NULL coalescing operator with NOT NULL Scenarios

I am populating a Class using LINQ and LinkUrl is a string property of my class.I need to set a value only if a property is not null , other wise no need to assign any values Currently The conditional ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Why does (Guid?)null ?? default return empty guid [duplicate]

Output from VS Immediate Window default(Guid?) => null (Guid?)null == default => true (Guid?)null ?? default => {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} I expected the last to be null and not ...
Michael Prüfer's user avatar
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3 answers

How to print the null values if the dictionary has it using LINQ

I have dictionary with the following keys and values. I am trying to print the dictionary, but nothing prints where there is a null value. How do I print "null" in the output? Dictionary<...
KevinDavis965's user avatar
1 vote
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Null coalescing string and conditional string via logical OR-operator results in number

Null coalescing by ORing a string (via PRIORITIES[NUM_TO_PRIORITY[priorityNum]] where priorityNum is input) and a string (via conditional Object.values(PRIORITIES).includes(priorityNum) ? priorityNum :...
surajs02's user avatar
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14 votes
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None propagation in Python chained attribute access [duplicate]

Is there a null propagation operator ("null-aware member access" operator) in Python so I could write something like var = object?.children?.grandchildren?.property as in C#, VB.NET and TypeScript, ...
VBobCat's user avatar
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What is the ?[]? syntax in C#?

While I was studying the delegate which is actually an abstract class in Delegate.cs, I saw the following method in which I don't understand Why the return value uses ? though it's already a ...
Soner from The Ottoman Empire's user avatar
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Is the c# coalescence the same as an if statement when setting to null?

Are these two statements the same? if (dep.BirthDate.HasValue) { myObj.GetType().GetProperty("birthdate").SetValue(myObj, (DateTime)dep.BirthDate, null); } myObj.GetType().GetProperty("birthdate")....
chuckd's user avatar
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