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Questions tagged [msbuild]

Microsoft Build Engine, also known as MSBuild, is a build platform for managed code and was part of .NET Framework.

3 votes
3 answers

How to upgrade TFS 2005 to TFS 2008?

What is the best way to go about upgrading TFS 2005 to 2008? Also, what about the Team Build scripts ("Build Types"), are those compatible with Team Build 2008 or do they need converted/migrated ...
Craig's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

Whats the best way to deliver TFS build status notifications to the team?

I like the status email sent by TFS's alerts mechanism when a build breaks. However I would like to send such an email to the entire team and not rely on the team to subscribe to the alert... Having ...
Eran Kampf's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Automate test of web service communication

I have an application that sends messages to an external web service. I build and deploy this application using MSBuild and Cruisecontrol.NET. As CCNET build and deploys the app it also runs a set of ...
Riri's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Out-of-place builds with C#

I just finished setting up an out-of-place build system for our existing C++ code using inherited property sheets, a feature that seems to be specific to the Visual C++ product. Building out-of-place ...
Brian Stewart's user avatar
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1 answer

TFS Lifecycle Management for Build Environment

How would you manage the lifecycle and automated build process when some of the projects (C# .csproj projects) are part of the actual build system? Example: A .csproj is a project that uses MSBuild ...
Eran Kampf's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

How do I automate repetitive tasks post-build?

I run an ASP.NET website solution with a few other projects in it. I've known that MSBuild projects are capable of this, but is it the best way? Are they easy to create? Is nAnt, CruiseControl.NET or ...
MaseBase's user avatar
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24 votes
5 answers

How can you publish a ClickOnce application through CruiseControl.NET?

I have CruiseControl.NET Version 1.4 set up on my development server. Whenever a developer checks in code, it makes a compile. Now we're at a place where we can start giving our application to the ...
proudgeekdad's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How can I create virtual machines as part of a build process using MSBuild and MS Virtual Server and/or Hyper-V Server Virtualization?

What I would like to do is create a clean virtual machine image as the output of a build of an application. So a new virtual machine would be created (from a template is fine, with the OS installed, ...
Adam's user avatar
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28 votes
18 answers

Should I switch from nant to msbuild?

I currently use nant, ccnet (cruise control), svn, mbunit. I use msbuild to do my sln build just because it was simpler to shell out. Are there any merits to switching my whole build script to ...
DevelopingChris's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

sgen.exe fails during build

After changing the output directory of a visual studio project it started to fail to build with an error very much like: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\bin\sgen.exe /assembly:...
stimms's user avatar
  • 43.7k
11 votes
3 answers

Automated release script and Visual Studio Setup projects

I think most people here understand the importance of fully automated builds. The problem is one of our project is now using an integrated Visual Studio Setup project (vdproj) and has recently been ...
Coincoin's user avatar
  • 28.4k
19 votes
2 answers

Using MSTest with CruiseControl.NET

We have been using CruiseControl for quite a while with NUnit and NAnt. For a recent project we decided to use the testing framework that comes with Visual Studio, which so far has been adequate. I'...
palehorse's user avatar
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31 votes
7 answers

Is nAnt still supported and suitable for .net 3.5/VS2008?

I am using MSBuild to build my stuff. I want to use as by Build Server. Now, CCNET refers nAnt a lot, but it looks as if ccnet can do most of the stuff nant could do through the ...
Michael Stum's user avatar
42 votes
12 answers

Use SVN Revision to label build in CCNET

I am using CCNET on a sample project with SVN as my source control. CCNET is configured to create a build on every check in. CCNET uses MSBuild to build the source code. I would like to use the ...
hitec's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers
7k views, msbuild, /p:OutputPath and CCNetArtifactDirectory

I'm trying to setup at the moment. So far it works nice, but I have a Problem with the MSBuild Task. According to the Documentation, it passes CCNetArtifactDirectory to MSBuild. But ...
Michael Stum's user avatar

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