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Questions tagged [modulo]

The modulo (sometimes called modulus) operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another. It's typically represented by the percent ('%') character in programming languages.

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C++ - Questions about bit shift operators (<< and >>)

Consider the below code: std::string g_CharTable = "stjkloptrew23456mncv891TZUIOPAS"; std::uint32_t value = 123456789 std::string hash; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { ...
Jean-Milost Reymond's user avatar
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Issue with modulus operator in dynamic SQL [closed]

I am trying to execute the following example query through dynamic SQL (let's not get into why it's dynamic), but I cannot get it to consistently execute correctly. If I substitute % with %% I get ...
Golden Tuna's user avatar
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How to pin modulus of the certificate public key on Android?

So I am using Android TrustKit to pin certificate's Subject Public Key Info. One of the security guys suggested I pin modulus of the public key, however, I cannot find any sort of examples on how to ...
mike.tihonchik's user avatar
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How to convert a time string measured in 24 hours cycle to 12 hours cycle?

I have a stored value of an hour in a 24-hour format in a variable named hour. My task is to convert this value to a 12-hour format and print the result. I tried while-loops, if-elif-statements. I ...
Dante Taviantz's user avatar
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Math power function with modulo arithmetic in Python

I am learning group homomorphism (a Math concept) with modulo arithmetic. Basically, I want to show that g^(2x+8y) mod n equals to (g^(2x) . g^(8y)) mod n. I have the following python code: g = 57 n = ...
Jimmy Chu's user avatar
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Why is `array % 1` running 150% slower for smaller numbers than larger ones?

I would understand if numpy was smart enough to see that array % 1 gives a constant result (for that dtype), and that its runtime was independent of the input. I would also understand if runtime was ...
bers's user avatar
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if statement is executed while condition is false. with modulo [duplicate]

i am working an a set of data that roughly repeats itself every 34 data points. however i wish to modify every N-th value. but in every repetion of the data set. the amount of data sets can vary. i ...
Axel's user avatar
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C# modulo operation with decimal yields inconclusive result

I have a very quick question, based on the following C# code: decimal _sampleCounter = 2100m; decimal wrong = _sampleCounter % (30m / 2.3m); decimal correct = 2100m % (30m / 2.3m); Console.WriteLine(...
Philipp's user avatar
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How to include a modulus operation in CasADi function

I can't find a modulus function in CasADi. I want to build a function with something like this: from casadi import MX angle = MX.sym('angle') wrapped_angle = ((angle + 180) % 360) - 180 TypeError: ...
Bill's user avatar
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Modulus `%%` giving unexpected result for `3.1 %% 0.1`. Is this expected?

I'm using the base modulus (%%) operator, and just struggling to understand the following behaviour. My understanding is that %% returns the remainder after dividing 2 numbers. So eg: 5 %% 2 # [1] 1 ...
rosscova's user avatar
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Counting the number of distinct digits that divide a number- Unable to pass all test cases

I was practicing from Leetcode earlier and I came across this question: Given an integer num, return the number of distinct digits in num that divide num. An integer val divides nums if nums % val == ...
ShraavaniJha's user avatar
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Raymarcher glitches when performing local transforms using modulus "coordinate-space" repeat trick

I am building a ray marcher in GLSL to further understand the language. I am attempting to repeat the coordinate space using modulus when calculating the SDF so that "infinite" spheres ...
canalesbr1's user avatar
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why does the value of n increases by one in in first iteration while the result of (n+1)%26 is 0.26

in line 10, n = (n + 1) % 26; the value of n should be 0.26 in first iteration as it has not been rounded up or rounded down so why has the value of n increased by one ?? I don't understand this part ...
WiglyString's user avatar
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modulus maths question - competitive programming

I was attempting past competition questions and was stuck on this question. The solution was made public, but I still can't seem to get how did they derive the solution logic. question: Meow is ...
Jia Yee Chong's user avatar
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Homework Help - Using Modulo to Count out Bills and Coins

NOTE: I do NOT want the answer! I am hoping to get guidance on next steps I am new to python and have a question about a problem I'm working: Define a function consolidate_change that takes as ...
Gian-Luca Matsuda's user avatar

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