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Questions tagged [micropython]

MicroPython is a Python interpreter (with partial native code compilation feature). It provides a subset of Python 3.5 features, implemented for embedded processors and constrained systems.

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ESP8266 is stuck in an infinite socket.accept() loop, i guess?

Ive been working with my ESP8266 and have encountered an issue that seems to be coming from nowhere and being unsolvanle. At least - to me. Basically I went on with this tutorial on building a simple ...
Alex Kolbeck's user avatar
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Socket connection fails(ESP8266) [closed]

I'm connected to ESP-WROOM device from a PC on Windows 11. I'm trying to connect a socket in MicroPython to a server on my LAN. I simplified my code to the following to show the error I keep getting. ...
scott's user avatar
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2 answers

ImportError: can't import name perf_counter. What may be the reason?

I`ve been working on my code for Micropython-flashed ESP8266, and well... this error occured: from time import perf_counter ImportError: can't import name perf_counter I believe that the whole code ...
Alex Kolbeck's user avatar
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Reading encoder output in MicroPython (Pi Pico) doesn't seem to work properly, any suggestions?

I've put together a pi pico, motor driver board, and a motor with 2 integrated hall effect encoders. The latter is from adafruit and the example code is written for Arduino. I've attempted to adapt ...
R. Elias's user avatar
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Why do I get a "Invalid grant_type" error when I want to refresh the access token? - Netatmo API

I want to refresh the access token for the Netatmo API. I tried different things but I get every time the same error. I use MicroPython and the urequests lib for the requests. The error is: Status ...
Tabsy21's user avatar
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MicroPython typical sleep times in while loops for ESP32-S3

Another question from my side. This time it is a little more hardware related. I asked myself why the sleep times within while loops in many examples are set to 0.1s. For this is quite a long time. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Why does Raspberry Pi Pico W make AP with default configuration?

import socket import network ssid = 'PICOlo amore' password = '12345678' led = Pin(15, Pin.OUT) ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) ap.config(essid=ssid, password=...
Irakli Tulashvili's user avatar
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Problems wit running CAN in Micropython on a pyboard 1,1

Pyboard, micropython, CAN hardware I have a pyboard v1.1 with micropython running and I want to use CAN to communicate between modules at 250K and 500K. I am using CAN 1(Y3 = RX = B8, Y4 = TX) = B9). ...
Terry D'Silva's user avatar
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Im doing project esp32 using micropython haivng problem with my turbidity sensor

from machine import Pin, ADC import time # Inisialisasi pin ADC (misalnya, GPIO 34) adc_pin = ADC(Pin(34)) adc_pin.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) # Set attenuation untuk rentang tegangan yang lebih besar (0-3....
MI Ahmad Pasnuria Purnama Sidi's user avatar
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graphic LCD display interfacing WDG0151-TMI-v-Winstar

So I try to interface with a graphical LCD display, but the thing that I tried is not really working. I have to mention that I never interfaced any LCD display. I attached some photos and the ...
joscupe's user avatar
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Error when importing RPi.GPIO - Micropython - Raspberry pi pico

I'm trying to import RPI.GPio into the program below and I encounter the following error, on the first line: MPY: soft reboot Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line ...
Marcos Ferreira's user avatar
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Break the loop if stdin has value

I can not stop the loop if there is not a gap in data send via UART. If there is gap in data it listens to the command but does not read the UART data anymore. I would like to I read data on UART and ...
petrbon's user avatar
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Bluetooth BLE implementation between Swift app and Rasberry Pi Pico W

I have an IOS app using CoreBluetooth to connect to a Rasberry Pi Pico W. I am trying to send data to the board, but the data is not received, despite the connection is established properly. The same ...
E. Tocchi's user avatar
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I have a simple web server on an ESP8266. At first, it runs fine, but after a while with no requests it goes down. Pinging the IP address times out

I am a beginner, but I coded a simple web server on an ESP8266. Part of my code follows: # Accept an incoming connection request print("\nWaiting for a request\n") conn, addr = s....
Tom Szkut's user avatar
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I can't get the program to see my override buttons

I want to be able to press the buttons on the web app to change the lights, but I also want to be able to override the web app with physical buttons to change the LEDs like the web app can. This is a ...
Paxton M's user avatar

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