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Questions tagged [logback]

Modern logging facility for Java-based programs with many new features when compared to Log4J and java.util.logging.

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Logback creating .tmp files during rollover

I have spring boot app with springboot version - 2.7.18 which has logback version 1.2.12 Now I am facing issue with .tmp files getting created during daily rollover of files. Below is my logback.xml ...
NewBie's user avatar
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How to test that pattern of consoleAppender logback configuration is working using uint tests?

I am very new at logback. I am using logback.xml configuration in my project, that has consoleAppender that use som pattern like <encoder> <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-...
Vitaly Gavrilchenko's user avatar
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maxFileSize is not behaving as expected in SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy in logback-1.5.6

I am trying to test the SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy in Logback. The time-based rolling is working fine, but I'm having trouble with the size-based rolling. I expect the file to roll over when it ...
Neha's user avatar
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Sending Traceability Logs to a Different File Than the Default Keycloak Log File

Want to log some traces on a specific file with log rotation. <keycloak.version>21.1.1</keycloak.version> I created a class called TracabilityLogger that logs certain traces I retrieve ...
Nicolas Bourneuf's user avatar
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Issue with asynchronous logging using Logback on Tomcat

I'm currently facing an issue with logging configuration in my Java web application deployed on Tomcat. I'm using Logback as the logging framework and have configured a ConsoleAppender with <...
pape ndongo's user avatar
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How to print MDC attribute only if log level is ERROR in dropwizard java app

Idea is to print some context only if there is error logs & not on other log levels like info or trace since it is not useful. I tried using log filters but it didnt help. Reference - https://www....
Jackie Vaswani's user avatar
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Can I disable default Marker Context (NoMarker) passed implicitly when using play.api.Logger and require a different MarkerContext is always provided?

I am trying to add a unique request id to logs for each request that is made to a rest api. For that I want to pass implicitly a MarkerContext to each logger method called. Currently the NoMarker ...
Stefan Stojkovski's user avatar
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Masking Sensitive Data in Request Body

I'm working on implementing of lockback in a little spring project. When credentialDTO is passed in login end point, Spring generates a log line with apparent password. 2024-06-27 14:55:37,555 DEBUG [...
Samet Yıldız's user avatar
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How to avoid logs duplication in a logger having several appenders?

I want to distribute logs to several files depending on a flag in the LoggingEvent. Let's say all log lines with the flag valued to "A", must go to A.log, those with value "B", ...
Mikaël Restoux's user avatar
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How can I print the nano-seonds in Log Timestamp while logging in Spring Boot 3.3 & java 17 using logback or log4j?

I am trying to print nanosecond precision of the time stamp in the logs for my spring boot app. I am using logback 1.5.6 in Spring Boot 3.3 with Java 17. I looked for different approaches and that ...
Amar Chandu's user avatar
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logback.xml or logback-spring.xml?

Hy, I work with various project using logback and springboot, and some use a logback.xml file , some use logback-spring.xml file. What is the difference between the 2 ? How to configure one being used ...
sab's user avatar
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How to use an external logback.xml

I need to log using an external logback.xml file. Note: I have a spring boot app. If I keep the logback.xml file inside src/main/resources then all works fine. But when I supply it like java -Dlogback....
h h's user avatar
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Caused By: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.getLoggerFactory()Lorg/slf4j/ILoggerFactory

I have upgraded the logback-core and logback-classic jar from 1.0.11 version to the 1.3.12. My project also using logback-ext.spring-0.1.1 , which is causing the below issue while restarting the ...
Rauthan's user avatar
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How to setup DuplicateMessageFilter for a single appender

I have a situation where I only want to use the turbo filter DuplicateMessageFilter for a single appender. (among console and file, only for console). How can I set it up? I can only think of create a ...
user25506549's user avatar
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How to configure programatically Logback in Groovy?

I have this Groovy Lockback configuration: /* * Copyright (c) Deutsche Post DHL */ package de.deutschepost.adm.logging import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger import ch.qos.logback.classic....
Petr Kostroun's user avatar

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