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Questions tagged [latex]

LaTeX is a programming language used primarily for creating high quality academic written documents, slideshows and posters. LaTeX questions are often a better fit for the sister site "TeX - LaTeX" ( This includes questions on tools and other languages producing LaTeX code. The JavaScript libraries MathJax and KaTeX are off-topic on "TeX - LaTeX" and should be asked on Stack Overflow instead (and tagged accordingly).

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Conditionally Apply Latex Commands

I am new to Latex and looking for some guidance. I would like to have a variable I can set in my document to mark it as draft or as final If it is draft I would like to be able to set a watermark for ...
adam's user avatar
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LaTeX Minted Package with Pygments in Texifier on MacOS

I have already installed the MacTeX distribution on Mac, but when I used minted package, it throws out the following error: Package minted Error: You must have `pygmentize' installed to use this ...
Julia's user avatar
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My LaTeX figure does seem appropriately even though I have used [h] after figure command [closed]

enter image description hereI have added my graph with the [h] and want these two graphs to appear in row but references part starts between them. How can I solve this? here is the screenshot for a ...
Çağan Okur's user avatar
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Generating PDF Reports with Mathematical Expressions Using Python

I'm working on generating a report that includes numerous mathematical expressions such as matrices, vectors, and equations. I'm planning to use Python for this task. One of the most commonly used ...
Siddhu's user avatar
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Is there a way to convert latex to pdf only with python? (without having to locally install anything) [duplicate]

I am building a mathematical software with PyQt, and I would like to provide the users with a result written in LaTex and also the compiled version of it in PDF. However, I can't find a way to do so. ...
Lavínia Beghini's user avatar
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Latex Tufte-book style upgraded?

The most recent release is v3.5.2 from 9 years ago. The issue is that it does not compile (or compile with lots of errors). Even the sample-book.tex that is included in the Guithub (
1 vote
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tinytex PATH, installation via R

I have installed tinytex via the tinytex R package with the default add_path = TRUE on Windows 11. According to the documentation, this adds the executable to the system environment variable PATH. So, ...
user's user avatar
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Is there still no supported way to use \sfrac in matplotlib?

I know it's possible to use any available latex feature by editing text.latex.preamble, but this feature isn't official supported by matplotlib. Unfortunately, I find that using usetex=True affects ...
gannex's user avatar
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How the expressions column can be aligned to left [closed]

[\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|}\hline\text{ } & \text{ Polynomial}& \text{ }& \text{Type} \ \hline a &w^3 +15w^2 +9w+30& 3 & \text{Linear polynomial} \ \hline b & 13x^2 -30x+24 &...
Siddhi Manjarekar's user avatar
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Tablehead repeats in next slide even if \tablelasttail{} is given - supertabular in latex beamer

I have used supertabular in latex beamer with allowframebreaks. Added the \tablehead, \tabletail and \tablelasttail. The table head is repeated in every slide. But the problem is after the last ...
JGK's user avatar
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Labeling a bar chart in Latex

I have the following bar Chart in Latex: \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ ybar, symbolic x coords={CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW}, ...
53845714nF's user avatar
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Filling authors from a list using authblk does not work

I'm trying to write a class like this: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] \ProvidesClass{Bug}[2024/07/12 Bug] \LoadClass[a4paper,twoside,openbib]{article} \RequirePackage{expkv-opt} \RequirePackage{...
jouke hijlkema's user avatar
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How to insert a pagebreak after the ToC, LoT or LoF?

How can I have a pagebreak after the table of contents, table of figures, or table of tables in quarto, when I render as pdf? I tried using the before-body.tex file and include a \pagebreak, however ...
A. Bohyn's user avatar
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How to wrap text in a `gt::as_latex()` table

When using the R package gt to generate a LaTeX table, wrapping of very long column entries does not happen. I tried several options in tab_style(), but they did not have any effect on indentation: ---...
Lukas D. Sauer's user avatar
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Latex Flowchart with Multiple Splits

I try to make this flowchart in Latex but do not know how to make the boxes that go down to the left. Please help as I provide code below as far as I could get to. \documentclass{article} \...
bvowe's user avatar
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Export latex table from summary of rddensity function in R

I am interested in exporting the summary of the rddensity function in latex in R. I've tried to use modelsummary without sucess, and capturing output also hasn't worked out. My objective is to export ...
John M. Riveros's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add formulas in Modern Sharepoint page

Did anyone tried using Mathjax or Katex javascript libraries to include formulas in sharepoint page? If yes, Can I know how did you implement using SPFx? If no, Can I know your approach to write ...
Alankruthi Saieni's user avatar
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Include external custom math commands from YAML header

I have a bunch of custom math commands that I'd like to ba able to use in all my quarto documents. Is there a way to include custom math commands in the quarto YAML header (for example, by pointing to ...
rturquier's user avatar
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Why can't a save a matplotlib plot in pgf format?

I would like to save a plot created in matplotlib in pgf format for inclusion in a latex document. Based on this example: from matplotlib import peplos as plt from scipy.stats import norm x = norm....
rhz's user avatar
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Quarto ignoring LaTeX commands when formatting table

I am rendering a PDF with quarto and python. I want to include a line break in a column header, but the commands are not being processed when the document is compiled. I have tried: import pandas as ...
Nick Crouch's user avatar
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Jupyter Notebook: Unable to Render LaTeX in version 7.0.8

For some unknown reason, I am unable to render LaTeX equations on Jupyter Notebook version 7.0.8. I have changed the cell to Markdown and used the correct notation ($ $ or $$ $$), but nothing is ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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Showing percetage of the year in LaTeX

I'm trying to make a contract in LaTeX, where I express the responability of a property the year is signed. To do so, I need to calculate de percentage of the year that has already passed. I would ...
user24817815's user avatar
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Why does VS-Code not compile my LaTeX-file with LaTeX-Workshop and macTeX installed?

I have installed macTeX (I use MacOS Sonoma 14.5) and LaTeX-Workshop in VS-Code. It seems like VS-Code is not recognizing my .tex-files. Every time I want to compile and generate a pdf I get an error ...
Niklas's user avatar
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Replace parts of a text file using a for loop

I'm using the pylatexenc library to parse a LateX file (.tex) into nodes (tuples). For every node that matches a condition, the LateX code corresponding to said node is deleted or replaced. How can I ...
Timothy Roes's user avatar
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LaTex: Small table, that should be flush left, is indenting to the right

I have an errata document. For each errata item, I use a small table, with no borders, to list the Errata ID, Area of operation, Components affected, and Severity. Using a table this way, works, but I ...
Russell Urquhart C's user avatar
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Reduce the column padding in tabular environment

I've tried nearly everything with no success and I don't know why... I have a tablular with 9 columns and the only solution I found for fitting it into textwidth is using adjustbox, which I don't like ...
Peybol's user avatar
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How to Resolve 'ascii' Codec Can't Decode Error When Generating Confluence Document with LaTeX Formulas Containing Cyrillic Characters Using Sphinx?

I am trying to generate a document for Confluence. The source data is an RST document containing LaTeX formulas, which sometimes include Cyrillic characters. Here is my configuration file: ...
roman's user avatar
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How do I write the following symbol in latex?

I tried writing the LaTeX formula $\overleftarrow{\underline{U}}$, but it renders in italics which is not what I am looking for.
Sai Keerthana Krishna Kumar's user avatar
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Matplotlib fig.savefig(): When using \textmu in labels, it is sized completely wrong after saving to vector graphic

when I use \textmu in labels, it is exported in a shrinked form in vector graphics such as svg and pdf (see 1st picture). If i save the file as a .jpeg for example it is displayed correctly (2nd ...
mountim's user avatar
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How to dynamically shade side of the page using Latex in R Markdown

I am trying to prepare a paper template using R Markdown and Latex. I learn as I go through and the next challenge for me is to be able to shade side of pages dynamically. In other words, I would like ...
mzkrc's user avatar
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Page x of y /rfoot

Using the following command I get a weird font in italic for page number "x/y". How do I get it to say "Page x of y" in regular font? \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{} % clear all ...
Kazi Aurnob's user avatar
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! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}. Error: LaTeX failed to compile paper_template.tex [closed]

I am trying to prepare a paper template using R Markdown and Latex for the upcoming semester. I learn as I go through and the recent problem I am facing is the error message of ! LaTeX Error: Missing \...
mzkrc's user avatar
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Landscape table Latex

I am currently doing a literature review and want to add a table in landscape in the appendix of my paper. However, when doing so it overlaps with the previous page making it unreadable. I am writing ...
Worldy's user avatar
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pandoc: fenced code block does not work within LaTeX environment

If I use fenced code block within pandoc markdown it produces reasonable LaTeX ouptut: \pagebreak ```python foo = 1 ``` pandoc -o output.tex \pagebreak \begin{Shaded} \begin{Highlighting}[]...
grigoryvp's user avatar
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Why are the tables not displaying side by side?

I'm attempting to format a report and am running into annoying issues with the formatting. What I'm trying to do is display these tables side by side, but each seems to really want to appear on a new ...
Miller25's user avatar
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How to adjust text/page formatting in Latex for CV?

While making europass cv in latex I used \ecvblueitem to make two sections (section 1 and section 2). Section 1 has text around half of the page whereas Section 2 has text exceeding one page. (1) How ...
Jack's user avatar
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Page numbering with Fancyfoot overlays the default page numbering

I wan't to customize the page numbering in my LaTex document. I'm using \fancyfoot{} but it shows up the footer next to the default page numbering. I use \cfoot{} to get rid of default numbering, but ...
Javier Arambarri Calvo's user avatar
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How to italicize and bold parts of a matplotlib title?

I want part of a matplotlib plot title be both bold and italicized, while the rest of the plot title is just bold. Matplotlib apparently doesn't recognize LaTeX functions like \textbf, while for other ...
Koryak21's user avatar
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Inserting citation within Latex figure caption

I am writing my thesis and am struggling to create a citation within Latex code. I get following error: Warning: LaTeX Warning: Citation `2023TylerIyengarTestingRobustnessANES' on page 12 undefined on ...
Cosmic Outlaw's user avatar
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LaTeX Workshop: Biber cannot find Thesis.bcf

I'm having some difficulty with Biber and the LaTeX Workshop extension for VS Code. Every time I try to start the build, this error occurs: INFO - This is Biber 2.20 INFO - Logfile is 'Thesis.blg' ...
tobiaspol's user avatar
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Latex decimal alignment issues- font changed, header affected, not aligning for bold maths

I'm a beginner of Latex and I'm working on a journal formatting. I have a lot of statistical tables (ANOVA table, post-hoc test) to put into my paper, here are some problem I encountered: Decimal ...
Annie Teng's user avatar
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How do I pass a field value in docx to a variable in LaTeX?

I'm looking into automating the typesetting of corporate memos drafted in Word-format (.docx) using pandoc. I have found the default LaTeX template, but I seem to be missing a basic understanding of ...
Timothy Roes's user avatar
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Matplotlib LaTeX preamble not correctly interpreted

I was trying to use a custom LaTeX preamble with matplotlib, but it raises ValueError: Key text.latex.preamble: Could not convert ['\\usepackage{siunitx}' ...] to str For some reason, the \ are ...
mapf's user avatar
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Left aligning two columns of text

I want to have to columns of text on the opposite sides of the page that both will be left aligned. I have the following LaTeX code so far: \documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article} \usepackage[scale=0....
RafalMaziejuk's user avatar
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Creating a frame with text ON the line

Hello to all (please excuse my English, I'lm French...) I'm just starting with LaTeX and I'm trying to create the structure of my future documents (physics & chemistry lessons). I'm going for ...
Florinadje's user avatar
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Nested Conditional Statements with 'fp' Package Problem

I've been struggling with getting a nested conditional structure using the \FPiflt and \FPifgt commands from the 'fp' (floating point) package to determine if a numeric value is within a range ...
grandpapocketcandy's user avatar
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Print square root symbol

I'm looking for a way to print square root symbol without any value under it. I'm using python's matplotlib package version 3.9. The code that I'm using to get the symbols is this: def text_to_rgba(s, ...
Hashim's user avatar
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Latex - hide $\label{...}$ when rendering latex

In my latex file, I have a block of code such as: \begin{align*} \Kmat = \mathbf{V} \boldsymbol{\Lambda} \mathbf{V}^{\intercal} = \sum_{i=1}^m \lambda_i \dotprodw{\Vv_i}{\Vv_i}, ...
xiaolingxiao's user avatar
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TikZ picture pie chart - Exclude labels for categories with 0

I need to display a pie chart with 5 categories but where some have a result of 0. But there is this annoying "0" showing up on the pie chart. How can I get rid of it? I suspect it's the 0 ...
Chris Schankula's user avatar
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Placing equation's caption on outermargin with LaTex

I am using LaTex (pdflatex) to write my thesis. I am using a two-sides book documentclass. I want to create a layout with a big outermargin where to write the captions of figures, tables and equations....
Nicholas Tovazzi's user avatar

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