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Disable automatic text wrapping within custom word pattern in Vim

Vim/neovim's automatic line wrapping feature is great for writing reports in Markdown, but sometimes it kicks in when I don't want it to. Is there a setting somewhere that I can set a regex pattern to ...
Emerson Harkin's user avatar
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MUcomplete autocompletion interface with VimTex plugin works with \cite{ but not with \ref{

My vimrc is thus: if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim')) silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ ...
Tryer's user avatar
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Autocompletion from include files for .tex files

At present, I use VIM as my .tex editor. The only include file I need are from included bibliography files. These bibliography files are sourced from within the .tex file so: \bibliography{../...
Tryer's user avatar
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Navitage to tag underneath cursor using Ctrl ] for a bibtex entry

I have generated a tags file of a .bib bibliography file (referenced in a .tex file) and lines containing bibkeys in the .bib file such as the following correctly identify the bibkeys as tags. @...
Tryer's user avatar
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Disable LaTeX concealing in nvim easymotion highlighting

When using nvim with vim-easymotion it conceals a lot of LaTeX commands while showing all the easymotion symbols, i.e. it shows unicode symbols as motion symbols which I just can not type. It only ...
RedDotRabbit's user avatar
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Starting st from a vim keybind failes

I am using vim as an editor for LaTeX and I use bib-files for my citations. I want to write a function with which vim opens the currently used bib-file in a terminal which itself runs vim on the .bib-...
Enemoy's user avatar
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Vim + latex-suite - modify output file name

I want to create a custom compile rule that takes foo.tex and outputs foo_bar.pdf I have used the following configurations in my texrc, but I have not found a way to exclude the .tex extension from ...
Brian Snyder's user avatar
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Compiler not starting successfully in VimTex on Windows

Getting the following output when trying to compile in gVim using vimtex. panic: no console goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc000000000, 0xc0000e2000) D:/a/cli/cli/vendor/...
Nre's user avatar
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Vim: Create a template for Latex

I have created this VimScript function to automatically generate a template for newly created latex files (with *.tex extension) function CreateLatexTemplate() normal ggi\documentclass[10pt,...
Iyach tharwa nambarek's user avatar
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Mapping <C-j> in Vim for non-tex files, with Latex-Suite installed

I've found some older posts here that discuss the difficulty with mapping the <C-j> shortcut in vim, i.e. map <C-j> <C-w>j due to latex-suite's usage of <C-j> to jump forward ...
Henry Shackleton's user avatar
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Creating a permanent fold in vim/neovim

I'm using nvim to write up LaTeX documents and would like to be able to fold my 200 line preamble in such a way that if I close and reopen the file, the preamble will still be folded. Is there a way ...
gdd's user avatar
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Begginer in vim, set .vimrc for vim-Latex

I am a total beginner with Vim, but after a few years using Texmaker I would like to try Latex with Vim. I tried to set up vim-Latex (for Ubuntu), but I am a bit lost... Following the official doc, I ...
simonm12's user avatar
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The ':make' command does not work in MacVim

I have a Makefile for compiling a LaTeX project. When I run the command :make in the command line Vim, everything works fine. When I run it in the MacVim, I get the following: :!make 2>&1| tee ...
pizet's user avatar
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Define vim command to open current filename with another extension

I'm trying a simple way to compile pdfs in LaTeX and open them with zathura from a single autocmd inside vim, so far I tried: command Latex !pdflatex %:t command Za !zathura @%.pdf autocmd FileType ...
fefff's user avatar
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How can I hide files with certain extensions in nvim and Mac?

I'm a vim and latex user. Each time the tex file is compiled, many annoying files emerge with pdf file, like .aux, .log, .out etc, rendering the nvim and Mac files messy. How can I hide those files in ...
tobinz's user avatar
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